Stages of Grace - By Carey Heywood Page 0,74

sits back when we get closer to the dock. He jumps off first and then helps me, his hands resting on my waist a beat before taking my hand and leading me up the stairs.

"Did you like it?"

I grin. "I loved it."

We are off the stairs and he still has my hand in his. I see Darrell walking over to us. I tug my hand free. Ryan gives me a strange look and takes off his life jacket. I try to do the same but can't seem to get the last clip undone. Ryan pushes my hands away and undoes it for me.

"Was that your first time?" Darrell asks when he reaches us.

I flush and nod.

"So, did Ryan show you a good time?"

What was it with this guy and innuendo? Ryan just laughs and pulls on his t-shirt before handing me a towel. I dry off best I can and put my clothes back on. We walk back to the office together.

"Would you like to have lunch with me today?" Ryan asks as we walk back.

Yes. No. I wasn’t sure. "I brought a lunch with me today."

"You could always eat it tomorrow," he pleads.


"Did you want to go to that burger place?"

"You should have said that from the start," I tease.

"Ouch." He puts his hand up to his chest as though wounded.

Jennifer has her feet up on the desk and is filing her nails when we walk up. She glances up at us and slowly lowers her feet but keeps filing her nails.

"Jennifer, this is Grace."

"Figured as much."

I shoot Ryan a concerned look. "This is Jennifer in a good mood. We all stay far, far away from her otherwise."

She nods her head in agreement.

"I'd have fired her ages ago, but she is somewhat of a computer whiz, and we wouldn't have a website without her."

"I prefer computer genius," Jennifer says, looking up from her nails.

"Alright, computer genius. I'm taking Grace to lunch. Want me to bring you back some onion rings?"

Her eyes light up, and she nods before realizing she looks too happy. She leans back into her chair and shrugs.

"Come on," Ryan says, taking my hand again and walking to his car.

His hand feels so warm in comparison to mine. I'm both thrilled and terrified by the physical contact. Ryan walks me to the passenger side and opens my door for me. Why does this feel like a date? Is this a date? I know I like him. I really like him and not just because I dream about running my fingers through his brown hair. He's a good person. I'm amazed he's single. Must be hard to meet people eating dinner with my grandmother every night.

"Grace, I have to tell you something."

He looks so stressed. "Is everything okay?"

"I hope so. Well, here's the thing. I'm attracted to you."

I inhale sharply. I thought he might be, but I never expected him to be so blunt about it.

"And I think you might feel the same way about me. Do you?"

I feel incapable of responding but reach my hand out to set it on top of his. His eyes snap to mine, and it’s like his whole body relaxes.

"I was really nervous about telling you."

My mouth drops. "You were nervous around me?"

"Since the day I picked you up from the airport."

I don't understand. "But why?"

He gives me a half smile. "I think you're lovely, always have. When I heard you had a boyfriend, I was crushed."

I just shake my head. I can't imagine why he would be interested in me.

"So is this a date?'

"Nope. This is just lunch. If you aren’t doing anything Friday night, I'd like to take you on a date but not just that. I'd like to date you period. Is that something you would be interested in? Dating me?"

"I'd really like that."

His smile at my response is perfection. I laugh when he grabs my hand and kisses it. He is too cute. The rest of lunch is uncomfortable, but in a good way. I find myself transfixed by his lips. I don’t hear a word that come out of them but imagine them on me. When I’m not staring at his lips, I watch his hands, thinking back to when he had pulled me in front of him on the ski. Those hands on my waist. It’s hard to eat when I am so distracted. On the way out, Ryan picks up the take out order of onion rings for Jennifer.

When we are back at the office, Copyright 2016 - 2024