Stages of Grace - By Carey Heywood Page 0,10

me this time. I am almost surprised when I see him asleep in our bed the next morning. Saturday had been a stressful day. That could account for why I had slept so soundly.

I ease out of bed and quietly walk into the front room and make myself a piece of toast and eat a yogurt. I am cleaning my plate when Jon walks out of our room. He comes behind me, pushing himself up against me, his hands on my hips. I go still, hands still in the sink. He leans down to kiss my neck. I am too nervous to react. I don’t want him to stop. Jon turns me to face him. I stand with my arms out in front of me, dripping water onto the floor. Jon's hands are on my neck as he kisses me. I kiss him back, happy to be in his arms once again.

He makes love to me that morning, playfully pulling me back to our bedroom. It has been at least a month since he had shown any interest. That last time I had initiated it, Jon seemed almost distracted the whole time, avoiding my kisses and leaving the bed once he was finished. This time is like old times. Jon kissing me and murmuring silly, sexy things to me. I feel as though my prayers are being answered, as though it is a sign that whatever was broken with us can be fixed. I spend most of Sunday in his arms, blissfully happy. He isn’t cold or distant. He is charming and loving.

I blush just looking at him.

His eyes flick to mine. "Yes?"

"It's silly" I feel my cheeks redden even more.

His face breaks into an easy smile, my favorite smile, the one that seems to make me weak in the knees. "Grace, your face is bright red. What's got you blushing?"

I cover my face with a sofa cushion and he plops down next to me, pulling me into his lap. His lips are on my neck, my arms linked around his shoulders.

"I just love you so much." I whisper.

He kisses my cheek. "I do too."

Jon makes dinner that night, flirting with me as he cuts up carrots to steam.

He puts on some music and when the food does not need tending pulls me off the sofa and dances me around the room. After dinner, he makes love to me again. I fall asleep in his arms as he absentmindedly plays with my hair, my body tucked into the crook of his arm. It is the best day.

When my alarm goes off Monday morning, I roll over to him and kiss him. Jon is still mainly asleep and doesn’t react. I smile at him, so certain that we will be able to fix this. I get up to take my shower and come back into the bedroom to get dressed. Normally, I would have put my scrubs in the bathroom the night before, but I was distracted and having so much fun with Jon I had forgotten.

"Do you have to make so much fucking noise?"

I am pulling my shirt over my head when Jon says that. Of course, how stupid of me. "I'm so sorry. You won't hear another sound," I whisper as I grab my bottoms and tip toe back to the bathroom.

I begin berating myself for doing something that I knew would annoy Jon. I had stupidly thought that maybe since things seemed like before that I could, well act like I had as well. It was silly of me to assume that. Now all I do is worry that maybe my actions will cause Jon to revert. That is the last thing I want. I take extra care to be as quiet as possible. I gently close the door behind me as I leave to go sit in my car while it warms up.

Walking up to it, I cannot miss the new, decent-sized dent by the front driver's side tire. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. My fingers lightly trace the edge of the indention, bumpy and misshapen in relation to the smooth exterior surrounding it. Was this what yesterday had been all about? Did I get sympathy sex because Jon dented my car? The dent is on the side of the tire well away from the door. I get in and start the heat and defrosters. As the car warms up I wonder if he had been in an accident with another car or Copyright 2016 - 2024