Spin the Shadows (Dark and Wicked Fae #1) - Cate Corvin Page 0,25

he didn’t drag me down the stairs. He was strong enough that he picked me up like a bridegroom, carefully carrying me down and through the strobing lights of Myrage.

I buried my face against his shirt, taking deep breaths and trying to think clearly, but it was getting harder by the moment. All I could really concentrate on was the feel of Robin’s arms, how he carefully maneuvered so he didn’t run me into anything, and how those maneuvers felt oddly like being on a boat, rocking back and forth and making my head spin.

I knew we were outside when I felt the cool, salty air coming off Acionna Harbor, washing away the stink of sweat, faerie fruit, and Fionn’s shitty cologne.

Well, truthfully, the cologne had actually smelled pretty good, but I’d forever associate that scent with complete assholes.

Robin knelt down, sitting me on cold stones. My head lolled forward onto my chest.

“Briallen, I need you to drink this.” He raised my head, cupping my cheek gently.

It was impossible to tell if his hands were warm or cold. “I can’t feel you, Robin.”

“I know,” he said gently. “Open up.”

I knew I needed to drink it, but whatever he’d put in front of my face smelled bitter and awful.

“Ugh, no.” I tried to bat him away, but my hand wouldn’t move. It just laid there in my lap.

“We can do this the easy way or the hard way,” he murmured, still crouched in front of me. “Come on. Let’s get this out of you.”

I glared at him mutinously, or I thought I did. There seemed to be three Robins around me, all of them blurry at the edges.

“Hard way, then. You’ll thank me later.” He shoved a vial in my mouth and tilted it, forcing my head back.

All I could think of was the human girl’s head tilted back and remaining there like a poseable doll.

I coughed and sputtered, shoving him away, but he pinched my nose shut. “Swallow it or so help me…”

I vaguely remembered that Robin was dangerous, and also my boss, and that I should probably listen. I swallowed the bitter potion, almost gagging.

It hit my stomach like ice, spreading through me in creeping tendrils. I shivered violently on the step, and Robin took off his jacket and put it around my shoulders with a sigh. “I’ll miss that jacket.”

My head was starting to clear rapidly, even though I was so cold it hurt. I clutched the jacket tighter around myself.

“Why?” I tried to ask, but as soon as I opened my mouth, I puked.

“That’s why,” he said grimly.


To his credit, Robin didn’t freak out or start sympathetic gagging.

He knelt beside me, holding my hair back as I brought up every last drop of whatever Fionn had given me, even took off his own shirt so I could wipe my mouth and front with it.

By the time the puking had turned into dry heaves and I crouched, still shivering, on the stoop in the alley where he’d brought me, my head was completely clear. Every detail of what I’d seen was still emblazoned in my mind.

And I realized Robin was ablaze with fury, even though he hid it well.

He stroked my back, but his hand was trembling slightly, and the other one was dangling over his leg and locked into a fist.

“I think I’m good now,” I whispered. I was so thirsty I could’ve drunk all of Acionna Harbor and still needed more.

Robin silently stood up, taking my hands and lifting me with him. I expected him to let me go, but instead he looped one arm around my waist, just in case I fell over.

It didn’t feel predatory or aggressive like Fionn. In fact, I would’ve liked the feeling, if I wasn’t a mess covered in nastiness and wearing his ruined jacket.

“Thanks for the jacket.” I said it meekly, having caught the look in his eyes.

Yep. I was in trouble, all right.

He got me to his car, and I balked at getting in. The idea of getting my vomit on the leather seats was absolute blasphemy.

Robin narrowed his eyes. “Easy way or hard way.”

I got into the car and made myself as small as possible.

Robin rounded the car and practically slammed into the driver’s seat. His knuckles were white when he gripped the steering wheel with one hand and tore away his glamour with the other.

Brilliant blue eyes, snapping with fury, met mine. “What were you thinking?” he hissed. “I said to be careful!”

“You said to get

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