Spin the Shadows (Dark and Wicked Fae #1) - Cate Corvin Page 0,24

made a single wrong move, I knew perfectly well I’d never walk out of this room alive.

I could’ve sworn a tear slid out of the corner of the girl’s eye and into the hair at her temple.

I took another drink, almost choking on how syrupy-sweet it was.

My lips and tongue were starting to feel a little numb, but I kept the smile on, giggling while Fionn emptied the bottle of wine into the girl’s mouth and wanting to slap myself for it.

He tossed the empty wine bottle aside and came back to me, sinking into the couch. “She’s going to have a hell of a hangover.”

Brightkin just picked up a slice of faerie fruit and waggled it in front of the other’s mouth with a cat-like smile. “No, she won’t.”

Fionn leaned against me, ducking his head so his blackened-emerald hair swung across his face like a curtain. “Taste good, pretty girl?”

He must’ve forgotten my fake name again. Blessed Branches, I was going to forget my fake name if I didn’t get out of here soon.

My lips were so numb, I didn’t even feel the kiss he pressed against them.

“Pretty good,” I sighed when he broke away. My glass was half-empty, and it was getting harder to hold up my hand. It was a rock that wanted to settle and never move.

I had to get out. I had proof with my own eyes. This had gone far enough.

“I— I feel weird.” It took a fucking monumental effort to put my hand on my stomach and arrange my face to look puzzled. Maybe. I couldn’t feel it at all anymore. “I need the ladies’ room.”

“You’re fine.” Fionn slid an arm around my shoulders, lifting me into his lap.

It was just the leverage I needed to get myself upright. I wobbled in place for a precarious moment. “No, it’s… really bad. I’m gonna be sick.”

Somewhere in the back of my mind, I figured it was the one thing that would get a Gentry like Fionn to back the fuck off. He could deal with evanesce and faerie fruit and a limp body, but vomit? No way.

“Shit, get her outta here.” Brightkin’s voice sounded muzzy, almost underwater. I stumbled towards the door as black began to swim at the edges of my vision.

The satyr chuckled under his breath. “Shoulda taken it a little easier, Fionn.”

I heard Fionn cursing under his breath, hurrying ahead of me to open the door. I stumbled out onto the balcony.

Silke gave me a coldly impassive look and fished something out of her pocket, handing it to Fionn.

I put my hand over my mouth for good measure as he practically dragged me towards the bathrooms.

The strobe lights of Myrage did actually make me want to be sick now, like my head was full of blazing, pulsing beams. I realized what it was Silke had handed to him.

“My phone,” I gasped, and I felt him pressing it down into the front of my dress.

“Don’t fucking puke on my shoes,” he snapped, still dragging me, and my heel caught on a loose floorboard, almost twisting my ankle around.

Instead of stopping, he just jerked me loose despite my gasp of pain.

I’d never wanted to kill someone so badly before.

The bathrooms were near the top of the stairs, and I thought about just throwing myself down them to get away, but Robin had my back.

I could’ve cried with relief when I heard his sharp voice. “Cress?”

Fionn stopped dead, holding my leaden body upright.

Robin, still wearing Rory’s face, was nearly to the top of the stairs, his glamoured eyes blazing with fury.

“Rory,” I whispered, unsure if I’d actually said the name or imagined it.

“This is your brother?” Fionn asked me stiffly, and I somehow managed to nod. Fionn’s eyes jerked back and forth between us, and an expression close to fear crossed his face, there and gone.

He shoved me towards Robin, almost causing me to flop right down, but Robin caught me.

Robin snarled a curse low in his throat, wrapping his arms around me tightly, but Fionn tossed back his hair with a flick.

“Your sister wouldn’t stop begging to come party with us, but she’s a fucking lightweight. You can clean up her puke.”

With that, he turned on his heel and strode away, like he’d done nothing more than take out the trash.

“I bet he’s never taken out the trash in his life,” I slurred.

“What?” Robin tilted my face upright, examining my eyes. My pupils must’ve been huge, because his lips tightened. “Ah, fuck.”

Unlike Fionn,

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