Spells Trouble (Sisters of Salem #1) - P. C. Cast Page 0,9

stick to beer—and just a little.”

“Well, shit. Sorry,” said Em. “Good thing my sparkling personality is a gift itself.”

“It’s something, that’s for sure.”

“Mercy, isn’t it perfect?” Hunter waved her new pen around.

Mercy grinned at her sister. “Yep.” She looked up at the guy who had been her sister’s best friend since second grade and shared the grin with him. “Way to go, Jax. You #nailedit.”

“And I got you this.” Jax ran his fingers through his black hair and tossed a tiny plastic baggie to her.

Mercy opened it and out slid a button that quoted, “I ask no favor for my sex. All I ask of our brethren is that they take their feet off our necks.”—RBG. She looked up at Jax. “I love it. Seriously. Thanks, Jax!” Mercy pinned the button to her giant purse and then hugged her sister’s broad-shouldered bestie tightly, enveloping him in her signature scent of spring lilacs as he grinned and patted her back affectionately.

A deep voice boomed with mock heartbreak down the dock at them. “Hey, whoa! I’m gone for, like, two minutes and I’ve been replaced?”

Mercy moved out of Jax’s hug and turned to grin at Kirk. He carried two full cups of beer. Somewhere between the keg and the dock he’d taken off his shirt and the waning light of the setting sun caught the chiseled ridges of his pecs and biceps. His blond hair was shaggy and thick, and a lock had fallen over his face to obscure one of his perfect cerulean eyes.

“Oh, please Kirk. It’s Jax.” Mercy met him and tiptoed for a kiss before she took the beer he offered her.

“Who has been our friend for literally years before you managed to acknowledge Mercy even existed,” said Hunter with an eye roll.

Kirk lifted the hand not holding his beer in surrender. “Ow!! I was just kidding around. Right, Jaxie?” Kirk leaned over and punched Jax in his shoulder, which had Hunter frowning and putting her hands on her hips. Jax let out an awkward laugh and furrowed his thick eyebrows.

“Of course Kirk was kidding!” Before her sister could start another argument with Kirk, Mercy stepped between them. “Guys, check out what Kirk gave me for my birthday.” Mercy fished the cheap stainless steel ball chain out from under her shirt—making a mental note to swap it for something nicer when she got home—and lifted the ring that dangled from it. “As of this afternoon I am wearing his class ring.”

“That’s right, babe. You and I are official!”

“I’m your girlfriend, not your property. Remember? We talked about how saying that makes you sound douchey,” Mercy said.

“That’s why I don’t.” Kirk opened his arms while his blue eyes sparkled mischievously. “Come here, beautiful.”

As Mercy melted against the quarterback’s perfect body she heard her sister mutter, “Nice. A present that cost him nothing, but gets him everything.”

Mercy ignored her sister’s typical grumble—wishing that for once she could just get along with her boyfriend without constantly picking at him. Over Kirk’s shoulder she saw a flash of orange and yellow. She unwound herself from him. “Hey, the bonfire’s lit!”

“Oooh! Yeah!” Emily said. “Let’s start roasting some of those wieners!”

“Good idea. Football practice made me puke, which means I’m starving,” said Jax.

“Eww,” said Hunter. “I don’t understand why you’d play something that makes you hurl.”

“What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!” said Kirk. He wrapped his arm around Mercy, barely giving her time to snag her giant purse before he led her from the dock. As the large group followed him to the picnic grounds that overlooked the placid lake, Kirk said, “Hey, babe, I got your wiener right here.”

Mercy giggled and elbowed him. “Stop! And you know I’m a vegan.”

“I’m hoping I can add a little more protein to your diet.” He pretended to whisper, but his comment easily carried behind them to Emily, Hunter, and Jax.

Emily made retching sounds. Hunter didn’t say anything, but Mercy knew she’d hear about Kirk’s silly comment later and made a second mental note to remind Kirk—again—to watch his mouth. He didn’t pose and bluster when it was just the two of them. He was sweet and sensitive and funny, but add a few people and his insecurities crept out in the stupidest ways.

It’s okay, Mercy told herself. He’ll be better after we’ve been together for a while and he knows I’m not gonna take off like his mom did.

“Happy birthday, Mercy and Hunter!” The growing group that was congregating around the bonfire greeted the twins

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