Spells Trouble (Sisters of Salem #1) - P. C. Cast Page 0,10

with a planned shout.

“Veggie wieners, chips, and marshmallows for everyone!” Mercy shouted. “Let the music play!” She pointed at Emily.

“Syncing!” Emily pulled out her phone and then shouted victoriously when Taylor Swift’s latest blasted from the Bluetooth speaker perched amongst the bags of chips.

“Ooooh, Come on, H! Let’s dance!” Mercy grabbed her sister’s wrist, but Hunter shook her off, laughing.

“Um, no. I will not dance with you because you stripper dance.”

Mercy backed toward the bonfire where football players coupled up with cheerleaders and the pom squad, who’d just arrived amidst a lot of squeals and whoops.

“I do not stripper dance,” Mercy said as she gyrated her hips and flung her hair around—like a stripper. “Plus, it’s our birthday! Dance with me, woman!”

“She’s definitely stripper dancing,” said Jax, smiling crooked teeth at Hunter.

“As always,” laughed Hunter, and she looked up at her tall best friend. “There’s no way I’m going out there.”

Jax leaned into Hunter. “Stop turtling and go and birthday dance with your sister!”

Hunter frowned and stared down at her feet as if the earth below would supply her with answers. She shook her head and sighed, the corner of her mouth lifting a little as her hips began to twitch. As Hunter started to dance her way toward Mercy the music abruptly changed and “Witchy Woman” blasted across the campground.

“Yaaasss! That’s my song!” Mercy twirled around, getting closer to the fire.

“That’s right, it is, babe! That’s why I played it.” Fireside, Kirk crooked a finger at her.

As Mercy danced to him she surreptitiously stuck her hand into an outer pocket of her purse and spun her way closer to the fire. She flicked a handful of club moss quickly into the blaze as she raised her hands over her head and moved liquidly with the music, whispering to the fire, “By tree and leaf—wood and fire—burn bright, burn brilliant then fade to ghostly wisps of what you once were and what you shall be again.” Mercy felt earth energy lift around her, like fireflies darting into the night sky.

There was a big flash and a fireball shot up, making everyone—except Mercy and Hunter—gasp.

“Come here, my little witch!” Kirk danced with her as the fireball gave way to white smoke that billowed up from the bonfire, forming the outline of the big oak that the logs had once been.

“Hey, that’s cool! Doesn’t it look like a tree?” someone shouted over the music.

Mercy smiled to herself as she let Kirk run his hands down her hips to cup her ass. Gracefully, she spun away from him, and as she did she caught a glimpse of her sister’s face. Hunter had been watching the smoke with a knowing smile, but that smile suddenly changed to openmouthed shock. Her eye found Mercy and she jerked her chin at the bonfire as several of the kids shouted.

Mercy turned to the fire in time to see that the smoky outline of the oak had changed to become a nightmarish face that looked like a slavering wolf—or worse. Something with impossibly long teeth that shouldn’t exist in this world. Quickly, Mercy plunged her hand back into the outside pouch of her purse and snagged the little bag of copper chloride she’d prepared for later. While everyone was gaping at the fanged thing in the smoke, Mercy threw the bag into the fire. Instantly the flames changed from yellow to blue, dissipating the smoke and sending the creature back to whatever hell it came from.

Mercy spun around, meeting her sister’s gaze again. Hunter gestured for her to come here, but Kirk was there again. He pulled her against him and nuzzled her neck while he sang, “Oooh, oooh, witchy woman,” out of key into her ear. Over Kirk’s shoulder she mouthed to Hunter, I don’t know what that was! Hang on—be there in a sec!

Hunter rolled her eyes and mouthed, never mind. Before she turned her back on Mercy to take a hot dog from Jax she pulled Tyr’s pendant out from under the collar of her tee and let it fall against her chest like it was a shield.

Well, she’s pissed, but how am I supposed to know what that was? Mercy stewed as Kirk moved her around the bonfire. Probably something to do with what’s happening with our powers tonight, but I don’t know any more than Hunter about it. Goddess! She’s such a worrier. I really wish she’d learn to loosen up. Instantly Mercy felt crappy about being frustrated with her sister. Of course

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