Spectrum (Stone Society #14) - Faith Gibson Page 0,70

going on? Felix has lost his mind, saying Rain is alive. He swears he heard the boy’s voice when you called, but Nash sent his and Isla’s ashes. I’m worried about my mate.”

“Imogen, Rain is alive.”

“But how? And why would Nash lie to me like that? Isla and Rain were my whole world. Don’t get me wrong. I love my son, but he’s just like his father, and both of them can be a little much sometimes. Isla was my calm amidst the storm.”

Isla clamped her hand over her mouth, pale eyes shining.

“Nash mentioned something about Original blood and keeping the Hogan line pure.”

“Remy, I’m so sorry. I should have been strong enough to shield Isla.” Imogen’s voice was strangled. “It’s a long story, but Felix isn’t my true mate. I’ve always known this, but I was young when he and I were thrown together. Both our parents had the same idea about the Original bloodline.” Imogen sobbed into the phone, and Isla dropped to the ground. Remy fell to his knees beside her. He scooped her into his arms, the phone forgotten.

“Remy? Are you there?”

Tamian handed the phone to him. “Yes, I’m here. Imogen, I have some great news and some terrible news.”

“Give me the great. I could use it.”

“Isla is alive.”

“Remy, don’t lie to me. I don’t think my heart could take it if I believe my baby’s not dead and then find out she really is.”


“Isla? Is that really you?”

“Yes. It’s me. Remy rescued me. Just now. I haven’t seen Rain, but we’re both alive.”

“Oh, thank the gods! My baby!” Imogen sobbed some more, and Isla cried along with her mother.

When Imogen got herself under control, she asked, “What was the terrible news? Or do I want to know?”

“Mum, Nash is the one responsible for Rain and me disappearing. He said Felix ordered him to kill us. Instead, Nash sold both of us to a doctor for our blood.”

“I’ll kill him. I’ll kill them both. Damnit. Felix is coming down the driveway. If you see Nash, tell him not to bother ever coming home. He’s dead to me. Isla, I love you, but I have to go.”

“Mum? Mum!” The phone was silent. “Shit. I need to get to Australia. Remy, I have to go.”

“We’ll go, if that’s what you want. First, we have to take care of Nash.”

“You heard her. He’s dead to my mother, and he’s dead to me. Might as well make it real in the truest sense. The bastard sold my Rainier. He didn’t need the money, so that tells me he didn’t really care what happened to us.”

Tamian held out a hand to help Remy stand. “Let’s go. We can either charter a jet from here or drive back to Amsterdam and take mine. Up to you.”

Remy lifted Isla’s chin. “I know you want to get to your mom, but it’s well over twenty hours. Is a few more going to make a difference?”

“I honestly don’t know. I don’t think Felix will hurt her, but then again, I never thought him capable of wishing me or Rain dead either. I guess a few extra hours will be okay. There’s no need to spend extra money if you already own a plane.”

“Do you want to confront Nash before we leave?” Remy asked.

“No.” Isla didn’t elaborate as to why she didn’t want to see her brother. There really was no need.

Tamian didn’t question her either. “Santiago, you’re with me. Lorenzo, please drive for Remy and Isla. Leo, you and Pierre handle Nash. Toss him into the house with Elias, then you can head home. Thank you both for the assist.”

Leonardo and Pierre fisted their hearts and bowed their heads. “It was an honor,” they replied to their future King.

Tamian and Santiago made their way to one of the vehicles. Remy led Isla to the other and helped her into the back, while Lor slid into the driver’s seat. Remy pulled her onto his lap, needing her as close as possible. It was several miles to the interstate, so he would hold her until then.

Isla laid her head on Remy’s shoulder. “Tell me about Rain. Do you have any more pictures? It’s been over two years. I bet he’s grown so much. At least I hope he has. Tell me, what did Craven put him through? Do you know?”

“Right after I got him back, he wouldn’t talk about his time with Craven. He’s been in therapy for a couple months, and he’s opened up a little.

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