Spectrum (Stone Society #14) - Faith Gibson Page 0,61

out from the cockpit that they were ready to take off. He didn’t bother with the intercom since everyone on the flight was a Gargoyle. They were taxiing down the runway when he called out once more. “For the record, I am content. Mirabella is a fine female.”

Tamian grinned, shaking his head. Remy asked about the chalet, and Tamian recounted how his father, Xavier, had it built for Elizabeth. Xavier was the Italian King, and Tamian was going to take over the throne soon. He and Lucy were using New York as their home base since her family was there. Tamian’s parents also lived in the state, so it made sense.

“I have two of my Italian Clan on standby should we run into more trouble than the four of us can handle. I don’t think we’ll need them, but they are already waiting for us in Amsterdam. I gave them the address Henry found on Nash, and they’re doing nothing but watching the house from a distance. Making sure the male doesn’t leave the city. If he does, they’ll follow but not engage.”

Remy was surprised Tamian had already put males in motion. This wasn’t his fight, but he was once again in charge in ways Remy hadn’t thought about. Then again, Remy wasn’t a leader. He had been a businessman for hundreds of years, and he learned the family business from his parents. He could tackle spreadsheets and budgets, but leading men into battle? No, that wasn’t Remy. “You’ll make an excellent King, especially having a mate like Lucy. Does your Italian Clan know she’s a Gryphon?”

“No. Gryphons have kept the secret of their species for the same reasons Gargoyles have. A long time ago, a Gryphon found out about Gargoyles without admitting the truth of himself. He passed the knowledge to his son who in turn passed it on to his son, but they didn’t spread the truth of our existence to anyone outside their family. Knowing there are two types of shifters leads me to believe there are more out there. Who knows?”

They had been in the air a couple hours when the jet rocked with what felt stronger than turbulence. Remy grabbed the edge of the leather sofa he was seated on, and Tamian gripped the arm rests of his captain’s chair.


“Shit, this isn’t another sabotage is it?” If the plane went down, the four of them would live, but landing would probably hurt like a mother.

After a few more seconds, the plane settled down. “It was turbulence. I’ve only felt it that strongly a couple times before.”

“You’re sure?” Tamian asked.

“Yes, Brother. I wouldn’t lie to you. All systems are at one hundred percent.”

Remy released his breath as Tamian closed his eyes. Henry spent most of his time tracking the mysterious hacker who’d helped Drago. Being able to take a jet out of the sky took scary levels of skill.

The rest of the flight was uneventful. It was ten in the morning local time when they landed. Once Santiago had the jet secure in a private hangar, they drove an hour north and met with one of Tamian’s Italian Clan mates. Tamian introduced Leonardo, then the male gave his report. “Nash is currently at his office. He usually stays there until five on the dot, then drives straight home. He has no guards, and he lives alone other than a housekeeper, cook, and butler. The property is a small farm, and there is a working drawbridge leading to it. So far, we haven’t seen the bridge up. The house is quite old, but the security system is new. The only time the alarm is set is when Nash turns in for the night. His employees live in a smaller house on the property, but they leave before he sets the alarm and aren’t allowed in the house until he is already up and getting ready. If anyone else knows the code, we aren’t aware of them. There are also security cameras located around the farm. They are located in such ways that all points of entry are covered, even the roof.”

“How much time between when the employees leave and he goes to bed?”

“Anywhere from two to four hours.”

“Thank you, Leo.” Tamian scratched his chin. “We need to hit the house right after his employees have left. That will give us all night to get the information we need from the male. Leo, do you know if the employees are human?”

“They appear to be, yes. I didn’t feel

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