Spectrum (Stone Society #14) - Faith Gibson Page 0,60

wasn’t accurate.”

“What if this is the first time? What if he’s seeing something from the past? No, Isla doesn’t look like she did, but Connor’s never met her. What if he has her characteristics wrong because of that? I can’t let myself believe she’s out there, because if she is? Then I failed her like I failed my son. I’m the one who didn’t want to go visit her family. I’m the one who sent them to Australia without me to watch over them.”

Dante placed both hands on Remy’s shoulders. “Don’t do that, Brother. You had no reason to believe her own brother would betray her. Isla took Rain thinking they’d be safe. You don’t blame her, do you?”

“No! No, of course not.”

“Then don’t blame yourself. You both were under the impression Nash Hogan was a somewhat honorable male. This is on him. No one else. Now, instead of standing here wondering, get your ass on that jet and go find out the truth.”

Tessa, who had been waiting on the porch, strode down the steps. “I can ask Tamian and Lucy to go with us. Both have the ability to get the truth out of others.”

Remy shook his head. “No. Lucy’s work is important.” Tamian’s mate was working with Jonas on a serum that would allow human mates of the Gryphons to live longer lives. Their species didn’t have fated mates the way Gargoyles did.

“Do you still want to take Rain with us?” Gregor asked.

Remy scrubbed his hands down his face. “I don’t want to be away from him, but what if…” He swallowed hard. “What if we do find out Isla is alive? There’s no telling what the bastard did to her or with her. I mean, he sold Rain, for fuck’s sake. What if he sold Isla to someone?” Remy turned to Dante. “What would you do if you were me?”

“I’d leave him here. Your son loves spending time with Amelia and Connor. He is thriving with Marigold.” Dante fisted his heart. “I vow on all that’s holy he will be safe with us.”

Remy nodded once. “Okay. I won’t take him. We don’t know what we’re going to find or how much trouble Nash is going to cause. He’ll be better here.” He turned to Gregor and Tessa. “Since Rain isn’t going, you don’t need to come with me.”

Lorenzo had returned from checking the area. “I’ll go with you. You don’t know who Nash has with him.”

“Thank you, Brother. I’d be honored to have you at my side.”

Remy went inside and had a chat with Rain, explaining he had another trip to take. He didn’t tell his son where he was going or who he was confronting. Rain’s experience with Nash had been traumatic, and Remy didn’t feel the boy needed to think any more about his uncle than he already did.

Remy left Rain knowing he would be as safe as could be with Dante and Frey watching out for him. Gregor and Tessa had offered to go as well, but Remy declined. He didn’t want to put Deacon out any more than he already had. Lorenzo picked Remy up on his way to the airport. When they arrived, Tamian was waiting with Santiago.


“I’m going with you. Tessa called and told me what was going on.”

“But what about Lucy?”

“My mate is holed up in Jonas’s basement laboratory. If there’s any trouble, she’s more than capable of handling it. She is a Gryphon, and she’s a badass.” Tamian’s smile while speaking of his mate was brilliant.

“Okay then. I appreciate your assistance.”

Lorenzo joined Santiago inside the cockpit, and Remy and Tamian took their seats across from one another. “Why was Santiago practically vibrating?” Remy asked. The pilot had seemed almost giddy.

“Because of a female. I have a chalet in Mont Blanc, and a pretty female named Mirabella oversees it when I’m not there. We can use it as our home base since it’s only an hour’s flight from Amsterdam.”

“Are they mates?” Remy couldn’t imagine not living where his mate did, only visiting every so often.

“Not in the true sense of the word, but neither of them has found their fated mates, so they enjoy each other’s company whenever possible.”

“What happens if either of them do find their intended?”

Tamian spread his hands. “Then they part ways as friends. Mirabella never leaves the area, so her odds of finding her true mate are slim. Santiago travels with me, but he is content in his life. At least he says he is.”

Santiago called

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