Spectrum (Stone Society #14) - Faith Gibson Page 0,54

to take this phone call.”

“Come on, Rain. I’ll get you and Amelia some cookies,” Abbi offered from the porch where she, Frey, and Amelia were standing.

“Can I have cookies, Papa?” Rain asked.

“Yes. Now go with Miss Abbi.” Remy waited for Rain to disappear back inside before putting the phone to his ear again.

“Rain? Rain’s alive? Remy, what the fuck is going on?” Felix asked.

“It’s just like the man in the video said. We found Rain in a church tunnel, scared out of his mind. Whatever Nash told you happened is a lie. He told Rain they were going to get ice cream and instead handed him over to the Greek who had been using Isla’s blood because she’s from an Original bloodline. If you want the rest of the truth, I suggest you ask Nash.”

“But I don’t understand. The ashes… If Rain’s alive, then…” Felix cleared his throat. Remy had never heard the man anything less than put together, but with proof of what his son was capable of, the male was distressed. “I need to go.” The line disconnected, and Remy fell to his knees. Had Felix come to the same conclusion Remy had? Since Rain was alive, it was possible Isla was as well. No. He wouldn’t allow himself to believe it. He had already mourned her once. To do so again would kill him, and he needed to be strong for his son.

Chapter Three

Rain was worn out from playing with Amelia. Remy carried his son into the house they were renting and didn’t bother waking him for a bath. He pulled down the covers and lay him on the bed. After taking Rain’s sneakers off, Remy pulled the covers over the boy and sat down beside him. Staring at the product of his and Isla’s love, Remy sucked in a breath, trying to keep the tears at bay. Wouldn’t he know if Isla weren’t still alive? He always thought with their bond he would have felt her cross over. Remy figured that was what happened when Nash called and said she was dead. What if it was natural grief and not the severing of their bond? The not knowing was killing him all over again. Remy kicked off his shoes and settled against his son’s small body, relishing the feel of his heartbeat.

Whimpering woke Remy several hours later. Rain was shaking his head. Remy pulled the boy tighter against his chest. “Shh. Papa’s here. You’re safe, Rainier. I’ve got you.” Remy continued muttering until Rain settled. The Gargoyle psychiatrist Rain was seeing had informed Remy it would take time for Rain to get over the trauma of being taken, but she assured him with lots of love and patience, it would happen. If there was one thing he could give his son, it was love. There was no one more precious to Remy. Even when Isla had been alive, Remy had loved their child in equal measure. They had planned on having a houseful of kids, but Isla had been taken from him before that could happen. Remy was glad to have Rain. One child was better than none.

He admired Frey and Abbi for adopting Amelia. Abbi was a strong female, taking in the child of her cheating husband. Now they were expecting their first child together, and Remy couldn’t be happier for the couple. Children truly did make life better when they were created out of love.

When Remy woke the next morning, he was alone. Low voices came from the living room, and he smiled knowing Rain felt comfortable enough to turn on cartoons while letting his papa sleep. After running through the shower, Remy padded barefoot into the living room. Rain was curled up under a blanket on the sofa, giggling at the silliness of the animated characters.

“Bonjour, mon fils.”

“Morning, Papa.” Rain raised his head. “Can we have crepes for breakfast?”

“Strawberry or hazelnut?” Remy already knew the answer, but he offered a choice anyway.

“Hazelnut. Duh.” Rain giggled when Remy gasped at the boy.

“Duh? Is that anyway to speak to your papa?” It was refreshing every time Rain joked with him, and his laughter was the best sound in the world. “I think Amelia is a bad influence. Non?”

“No, Papa. She’s funny.” Rain’s eyes were bright as he spoke of his best friend.

“That she is.” Remy winked before heading to the kitchen to make their breakfast. After loading their plates with bacon and crepes, Remy took them into the living room and placed them on the

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