Southern Secrets (Southern #7) - Natasha Madison Page 0,61

down just a touch deeper until I get it in as far as I’m going to go. I move my hand and my mouth at the same speed, his hand coming to move the hair away from my face so he can watch my mouth take his cock. My ass moves from side to side. His hips thrust into my mouth while one of his hands finds my tits, and he plays with my nipple. I let go of his cock, licking down the shaft as my eyes glance up to meet his gaze.

His jaw is tight as I lick and suck one ball into my mouth. "Just decided," he says between clenched teeth when I take his cock into my mouth again. "I’m going to spend all night with my cock in your pussy." It’s me who closes my eyes, my stomach getting tight as he plays with my nipple. "You’re going to take my cock any way I want to give it to you." I nod my head. "Slow." He has to take a second before he continues. His hips move with the speed of my hand, my spit running down his cock. “Hard." He stops talking. "I’m going to come," he says and tries to take his cock out of my mouth, but my hand pulls him back to me. "I’m coming," he hisses out as my mouth swallows everything he has to give me. I keep going until nothing is left. I get back up on my knees, and his hand goes straight to my pussy, his finger sliding in easily. "Soaked,” he says, and I nod. "For me."

"Only you," I say, going over to the bedside table and opening it. I grab the box of condoms I bought two days ago. "I think you have some things planned for me." I open the box of twelve and take one out.

"Oh, I have a lot planned for you," he says, kicking off his shoes and taking his jeans off. I kick my boots off as they join my jean shorts and his jeans. "Get ready, baby." He gets on the bed with me. "It’s going to be a long night."

Chapter 25


I watch her get on her back in the middle of the bed, and I can’t move. This right here is going to be something I’ll remember for the rest of my life. If I don’t get anything else in this world, this memory will make it all worth it. Bringing the condom wrapper to my mouth, I tear off the top and quickly cover myself.

The whole time she watches me, waiting for me. Her lips are plump from my lips, and her long tanned legs spread, waiting for me. I crawl over her, my mouth going to hers, her tongue coming out hungrily. I fist my cock in my hand and let go of her mouth, rubbing my cock up and down her slit. I can feel the heat through the condom, and I want to just pound into her.

"Asher." She pants my name out, her eyes looking at my cock. "Now." She moves her hips up to get me into her.

She moves her legs up, wrapping them around my hips to make sure I don’t go anywhere. "What do you want, baby?" I ask, and her eyes go to mine.

"You," she says softly. "All of you." I close my eyes to calm myself down, but it doesn’t help. In one thrust, I’m balls deep in her. She cries out the same time I do when I realize how fucking snug she is. Her legs tighten even more around my hips. "Again." She eggs me on, and I give it to her. With each thrust, she begs for more, telling me to go harder. I plant myself balls deep in her. Her legs slip from my hips, and my hands go to her thighs, holding her open for me. Her hand comes down to play with herself, and I bend down to take her perky nipple into my mouth. I bite it and suck it into my mouth. Her hips fly up. "Again."

I put my hands on either side of her arms, propping her legs over my shoulders. I turn to kiss her ankle, biting it and seeing my mark on her. I thrust out of her and then back in again. Her finger goes nuts over her clit, and I can tell she’s close because I can barely move my cock in her anymore. Copyright 2016 - 2024