Southern Secrets (Southern #7) - Natasha Madison Page 0,60

have to tell me twice. All I have to do is sit and my legs open for him. "Beautiful." He looks up at me. "Every fucking inch of you." He gets between my legs. "Is fucking beautiful." He licks his finger and runs it between my pussy lips, then slips it inside me. My head falls back.

"Too good for me," he mumbles when his hand comes up and opens my pussy to find my clit. The tip of his tongue comes out, and he licks it back and forth while his finger fucks me. "Honey." He licks me up and down, slipping another finger into me. "Tastes like fucking honey." He sucks my clit into his mouth and then bites down on it, and I fall back onto the bed. My eyes close, and he stops moving his fingers. I open my eyes and get up on my elbows.

"Watch me," he says as he licks up again, his hand still holding my lips open for him. "Watch me eat your pussy," he says, and my eyes close for a second while he moves his fingers in faster. "So fucking tight," he says, and my hips move up on their own. "Don’t you make me hold you down," he says right before his tongue plays with my clit. "I’m the one who is going to make you come." He sucks in. "And the only one who will make you come." My legs close around his head. "That’s my girl," he says, kissing the inside of my thigh softly right before he bites it. "Number two," he says of the mark. "Only a million more to go." He fucks me with his fingers to the edge.

"Asher," I moan, trying to keep my eyes open as I watch him lick and finger fuck me. I feel myself getting tighter and wetter. I shiver when the feeling goes from my clit all the way to the tip of my toes. "I’m almost there."

"I know, baby," he says between licks. "Every fucking day," he says as his fingers move faster. “I’m going to eat this pussy every fucking day.” And just like that, I fall over the edge, moaning out his name as my pussy pulsates around his fingers. "I think we can do better than that," he says, moving his fingers so fast the orgasm fades and then comes right back. My elbows give out, and my legs tighten around his head. My eyes close as I see stars. He slowly stops moving, and my heaving chest is covered with a layer of sweat.

Feeling him slip out of me, I open my eyes. He stands, and my legs fall down onto the floor because I have no energy to even hold them up. He’s standing between my legs, his own jeans hanging low on his hips. The outline of his cock is very fucking apparent, and I lick my lips. Sitting up, I place my hands on his hips as I kiss his stomach. "What is it you told me?" I ask, my hands moving to the button of his jeans. My hand palms his cock through his jeans and squeezes. He hisses and closes his eyes, and I stop, moving my hands away from him. "You told me to watch." I unbutton his jeans and his zipper starts to go down on its own, giving me a peek at his black boxers. "So you are going to watch." I pull the zipper the rest of the way down. "Watch me suck your cock," I say, pushing his pants and boxers down off his hips. His cock springs free, and I’m the one who groans. I stand, taking his cock in my hand and moving it up and down. My fingers don’t even touch as I move my hand up and down. My hand drops his cock as I kneel on the bed. "Not only are you going to watch me suck your cock." I get onto my hands and knees with my mouth at the right height to slide him into my mouth. "You’re going to watch my ass go back and forth while picturing your cock in it." I don’t wait for him to answer before I lick the tip of his cock, the pre-cum salty on my tongue. I twirl my tongue around the head of his cock, my hand coming up and jerking him off. I take the head into my mouth and then let it go, each time going Copyright 2016 - 2024