Song of the Heart - Alexa Aston Page 0,24

more than friendship on his mind. If Osbert hadn’t come to fetch me, I fear Royce might have said something he later regretted. Or kissed me.”

Gwenith searched Madeleine’s face. “Ye just now discovered his interest in ye, Maddie?” she asked in disbelief.

She stared at her in surprise. “You knew his intentions were romantic?”

Gwenith chuckled. “Only me and a dozen other mummers, me sweet.” She bit her lip to hold back her laughter. “’Twas obvious from the time I brought ye back with us, Maddie. He’s smitten hard. The only wonder is it took him so long to speak his mind—and for ye to realize he had feelings for ye.”

Madeleine eased from her knees and sat on the floor. “I never saw this coming, Gwenith. And to keep the gossip straight, Royce has made no such declaration to me.”

Gwenith pursed her lips. “As if I’d gossip about ye, Maddie.” She stroked her friend’s hand. “But I’m sure Royce spoke with his eyes and his heart if not his lips.”

She sighed. Not wanting to discuss it further, she busied herself fussing with Gwenith’s pillows and adjusting the blanket.

“Ye’re so good to me,” Gwenith whispered and fell into a deep sleep.

Madeleine remained by her side for several minutes. Gwenith had become the sister she’d never had. When she’d run into Gwenith and Evan after glimpsing Bertrand on the waterfront, it had been an answered prayer. Gwenith had realized Madeleine was in trouble without having to be told and that day Gwenith had returned to the mummers with her in tow. Madeleine had become an integral part of the group in a short time. When she’d first played the lute and sang for them, her fate became sealed. Now, she played for audiences before the mummers performed and provided entertainment between acts, as well. Sometimes she was pressed into service by narrating the short dramas. She had even composed a few original songs. It had been a happy few weeks.

Once a month had passed and Madeleine was sure Henri was safely on his way back to Chateau Maraine, she began preparations to leave the troupe. They had been on the circuit since early April and a few other talented people had joined in their progress. Madeleine was sure she could be replaced without much fuss.

She had gone to Farley, the head of the mummers and told him of her intentions to leave.

The hefty, bearded man boomed at her, “No, my girl, I can’t let you go. You have the most wonderful voice I’ve heard in my two score of years. Our audiences will not be half what they are if you desert us. Would you see all of my people starve? I think not.”

He crossed his arms over his rotund belly and thrust his chin in the air as if that had settled the matter.

Madeleine turned to Elspeth, his wife. “Surely you understand that I am ready to return to my home?”

Elspeth nodded solemnly. “Sure ’n I do, me sweet. Pay no mind to that barrel-chested oaf. He’ll dance to what’er tune I decide. Now be gone, child!” and she swatted Madeleine’s rump.

Madeleine glanced over her shoulder as she left to witness Elspeth light into Farley, and him defend himself. “But, dearest, I was merely jesting with the girl. I would never . . .”

Farley’s voice faded as Madeleine hurried back to pack her meager belongings. Besides the clothes she wore, she had few personal items. She had purchased a new lute. It had done well by her and helped her to earn her way until she was ready to see her parents again.

But Gwenith’s sudden illness had put a stop to her plans. Not deliberately, of course, but Madeleine had remained all the same. Her friend looked so tired and as Madeleine heard the hacking cough that Gwenith couldn’t seem to rid herself of, she decided that she owed it to Gwenith to stay until she was completely well. She would help care for Evan, who would certainly keep anyone healthy running ragged, and she could now take part in the summer solstice.

All the members of their entourage looked forward to this Midsummer’s Eve festival. They would spend three days at Summerville, home to Lord Denton. Maybe by then, Gwenith would be in better health and Madeleine could cross the channel with peace of mind.

Solstice was less than a week away, though. Instead of improving as Madeleine had hoped, Gwenith continued wasting away. Her clothing hung on her. She’d stopped performing entirely in Copyright 2016 - 2024