Song of the Heart - Alexa Aston Page 0,23

soap, honey, and cheese, the pungent smells intermingling with the sweat of crowded human flesh.

Royce had them settled against an ancient oak at the far end of the meadow, where they ate in amiable silence.

Madeleine counted her blessings, starting first with sweet Gwenith, already as close as a sister could possibly be. They’d spent practically every waking moment together since joining up on the London docks, with never a cross word between them. Madeleine loved her friend’s head of wild, red curls and her impish smile, but Gwenith’s outer beauty only scratched the surface. Her sunny nature had a way of keeping Madeleine’s spirits up, no matter how much work needed to be done. These past two months had flown by in the presence of Gwenith’s optimism and good cheer.

Her second blessing was time spent with Gwenith’s boy, even if young Master Evan was a scamp of the first degree. Madeleine often wondered how Gwenith managed to keep up with her son’s antics. Her friend had far more energy than most to be able to stay abreast of Evan’s roguish ways. Still, she counted the boy as a treasure close to her heart.

Maybe she could turn Evan loose on Henri. With that thought, she stroked the smooth pebble in her pocket. A girlish giggle popped out at the thought of Henri running in fright from the small boy.

“What are you thinking about, Madeleine?” Royce asked. His voice was gentle and his eyes had lost their usual playfulness. Royce reached out and took her hand.

The depth of emotion in Royce’s gaze startled her. These past few weeks traveling with the troupe had been a means of escape for her before she made her way to France. Though she enjoyed everyone’s company, she did not want any lasting attachments—especially not those of a romantic nature. She was a married woman, despite having fled her abusive husband. She would keep those vows.

How could she let Royce down gently? He’d been a good friend to her, never asking about her past. When others had done so, Royce had always stepped in and helped change the subject or asked a favor from her, leading her away from prying questions.

Theirs had been an easy friendship. That was why his look of tenderness and soft words caught her by surprise. His hand held hers easily yet firmly. Madeleine slowly withdrew from his grasp. She crossed her arms and sighed.

“Oh, Royce, so it’s come to this,” she whispered softly.

The gleam of interest in his eyes was unmistakable. Royce looked at her as a man looked at a woman for whom he had tender feelings. He moved in to kiss her.

Madeleine’s heart lurched. Fear prickled within her but she shrugged it off. This was just Royce. Not all men beat a woman for the slightest infraction, she told herself. Not all men forced relations.


She bolted to her feet as Osbert came toward them. The jovial mummer fairly galloped across the green meadow, his round face red from the exertion.

Osbert laid his hand upon her shoulder. “’Tis Gwenith, I’m afraid. She calls for you.”

Fear beating rapidly in her chest, Madeleine picked up her skirts and ran across the field to where their tents were pitched away from the stalls filled with goods. Gwenith had been sick for almost three weeks. She couldn’t have taken a turn for the worse. She couldn’t have.

Stomach knotted, Madeleine hurried into their tent. Gwenith, her face ashen and haggard, managed a weak smile upon seeing her.

Madeleine dropped to her knees next to Gwenith’s pallet, noting how thin she’d grown. Taking her friend’s hand, she squeezed it gently and pushed aside the curls that had fallen across Gwenith’s face.

“’Tis a real mess I’m in, Maddie, that’s for sure,” Gwenith managed to get out before being seized by a fit of coughing.

She held tightly on to Gwenith’s hand until the spasm passed and then poured her a cup of cool water from the nearby pitcher.

“Sip on this, Gwenith,” she said in soothing tones, helping her friend to sit up. A trickle dribbled down Gwenith’s chin and Madeleine wiped it away with her sleeve.

“I’m fine now, Maddie. I promise.” Gwenith’s eyes were huge in her pale face, even more wan than usual. “I just wanted to visit with ye a minute, that’s all.” Another fit of coughing erupted.

Madeleine ached with every cough.

Finally, Gwenith calmed again. “Ye’ve been with Royce?” her friend asked, the corners of her mouth turning up slightly.

“Yes, I have,” Madeleine begin. “I’m afraid Royce has Copyright 2016 - 2024