Smokescreen - Iris Johansen Page 0,9

I’ll go back inside and help Dad. He might need me.” He leaned forward, and whispered to Eve as he passed her, “She’s so sad, Mom. Be nice to her.” Then he was through the door and talking to his father.

“Sweet kid.” Jill was looking after him. “You’re lucky.”

“Yes, I am.” She shouldn’t have been surprised at Michael’s instant insight, but she was. Jill had been hiding that vulnerability very well, even from Eve, until those last moments. But then Eve and Joe had known since the moment he was born that Michael saw deeper than other people. “But like all kids, he has a few issues.” One of which was to make her feel guilty when she agreed with what he saw, she thought crossly. Gazing at Jill Cassidy right now, Eve was acutely aware of the scars that had been born of the emotional battles the woman had fought over the years. “He can be very demanding on occasion.”

“I see absolutely nothing wrong with that,” Jill said with a smile. “I can be demanding myself. I believe we’d get along fine.” Her smile faded as she turned toward the porch steps. “But I’m in your way. You said you had to take your husband and son to the airport. Thank you for seeing me.”

“You’re welcome. I’m sorry I can’t help you.” She followed Jill to the steps. “I meant what I said, I’ll get on the phone tomorrow and try to talk to several charities.”

“I’m sure you will.” Jill looked back at her, and Eve was once more aware of that hint of desperation in her expression. “Just look at the family photos and read my biographies of the children. That’s all I ask. After meeting your son, I know that’s a lot. But I have to ask it.”

Eve gazed at the manila envelope on the cushions of the porch swing. “I’ll look at them.” She shook her hand. “But I can’t let them change my mind. It was nice meeting you, Jill.”

Jill nodded and made an effort to smile. “Yeah, I hope Nora turns out the way you want her.”

“That depends on her,” Eve said. “I never know until the last sculpting.”

“Why doesn’t that surprise me?” Jill waved and ran down the steps.

Eve stood there and watched her as she got into her dark blue Volvo and backed out of the driveway. Jill smiled again as she waved and drove down the lake road.


She’s so sad, Michael had said.

“Hi.” Michael was suddenly standing beside her, his gaze on the car. “Did we stay inside long enough? Did you have time to fix it?”

“No,” Eve said. “Sometimes people have to fix their own problems. Though I’ll make a few calls for her tomorrow.” She gave him a little push to stop the protest she could see was coming. “But right now I want to spend time just being with you and your dad and not thinking of anyone else until you get on that jet. Go get your luggage.”

* * *

Jill pulled onto a side road a few miles from the lake cottage and turned off the engine of the Volvo. She realized she was shaking. Stupid. Everything had gone well, and there was no reason for her to be this upset. Yet she had felt like she had to take a few moments before she got on the freeway. She had wanted to catch a final glimpse of Eve Duncan and her family before she took the next step that would send Eve spiraling into the coming nightmare.

Maybe it would not happen. She had tried to take precautions that might keep Eve safe.

Or might not.

Either way, Jill was committed, and all the regrets in the world wouldn’t alter what she’d done. So stop this nonsense and make certain that the rest of the plan was set as well. She quickly dialed Jed Novak before she could change her mind. “It’s okay,” she said when he picked up. “They’re on their way to the airport, and Eve Duncan isn’t getting on that flight with them. The only worry I had was that she might change her mind. She’s very close to her family, and that could have happened.”

“But you said it wasn’t likely,” Novak said dryly. “And I built the entire scenario around your judgment. I’m glad you didn’t disappoint me.”

“You would have just made me come up with something else. You don’t allow failure, Novak.”

Silence. “No, I don’t. Not once you were committed. The stakes are too Copyright 2016 - 2024