Smokescreen - Iris Johansen Page 0,8

something else out for them.”

Eve shook her head. “I have a life, Jill. You’re asking me for a major disruption. And I don’t even know if it’s the best thing for those village families. You’re asking me to trust your judgment.”

“Yes, I am. Or your own judgment after you look at the biographies and photos in that envelope.” She reached out and grasped Eve’s hand. “Look, I know it’s a sacrifice. Who wants to go to a wild, underdeveloped country and set up shop in a jungle for those weeks? But if you agree to do it, I know you’ll come back feeling good about it. And maybe it’s not so underdeveloped any longer. It has a U.S. embassy, there’s a temporary U.N. headquarters, and reps come in and out of Jokan, the capital city, on a regular basis.” She grimaced. “It’s practically civilized compared to when I first visited.”

“You said that was two years ago.” She frowned. “The fighting was still going on then. I’m surprised they let you in the country.”

“They didn’t. But I had a few friends in high places and even more in low places who managed to smuggle me under the radar. I had an idea it might be the story of the decade, and I wanted to be there.” Her lips tightened. “I knew it was a second Rwanda, but I thought I was tough enough to take it. And I did take it, I just didn’t realize I’d be caught up in the nightmare and start bleeding myself. You don’t go through an experience like that without its changing your life.”


“I was first on the scene, and I told the stories.” Her face was haunted. “But you can’t do that in a place like Maldara without becoming part of the story.”

“Yet you want me to go and tell stories of my own when I do those reconstructions,” Eve said quietly. “And you know that it will probably hurt me to do them. Every single one I’ve ever done has hurt me, Jill. It goes with the territory. And this time, I wouldn’t even have the comfort of doing it to try to find the butchers who murdered them. They had to have been killed or imprisoned by now.”

“I know.” She nodded jerkily. “So do it for their parents or grandparents. Nothing is perfect. Particularly in Maldara.” Her hand tightened on Eve’s. “Just do it. I promise I’ll make it safe for you and as comfortable as I can.”

“I know you would.” Eve gently pulled away her hand. “And I admire you and what you’re trying to do for these people. But I have my own commitments I have to think about. Maldara is half a world away from them. But I promise I’ll try to find an organization that will be able to give you the help you need.”

“Thank you.” Jill’s voice was unsteady. “I guess I couldn’t expect anything else from you.” There was desperation in her eyes as she held Eve’s gaze. “But you’re the help I need. Please. Will you promise to think about it?” She reached in her pocket and handed Eve her card. “Just call me, and I’ll arrange everything.”

“I’ll think about it,” Eve said. “But I’m afraid I’ll disappoint you, Jill. I can’t do—”

“Mom, we’re ready to go!” Michael was standing in the doorway, his eyes shining with eagerness. “Dad’s grabbing the suitcases and that present I made for Jane.” His gaze was on Jill. “But if you’re still busy, I’ll help Dad take the suitcases down to the car and we’ll wait for you there.”

“No, I believe we’re finished here.” Eve got to her feet. “It took a little longer than I thought.” She held out her hand to him. “This is my son, Michael, Jill. This is Jill Cassidy, Michael, come and shake hands with her. She’s a very famous journalist, and you’ll probably be seeing her stories in newspapers and on the Net.”

“Really?” He was across the porch and smiling at Jill. “That will be neat. I’m very glad to meet you, Ms. Cassidy.” He shook her hand and looked her straight in the eye. “I’ll be watching for them. I think you must be very smart if you’re this famous so young.”

“Not so young.” Jill smiled. “Compared to you, I’m ancient. I’m happy to meet you, Michael. I can see why your mother is so proud of her family.”

“We’re proud of her, too.” He turned away and went back to Eve. “I think Copyright 2016 - 2024