Smokescreen - Iris Johansen Page 0,106

it all planned.” He dropped his hands from around her throat. “But it’s my decision, and an island sounds boring. I liked the life I was living before you dropped into my world. When we split that treasure, I’ll look at my options.”

That was what she was beginning to fear. She reached up and massaged the bruised flesh of her throat. The prick had hurt her this time. “I just want to keep you safe.”

“I’m touched, Zahra.” His lips twisted. “But you’d do better to think about keeping us both safe by helping me find out what happened at Asarti.”

“You said you’d take care of that.” She paused. “You really think that it might be more than just a theft? That someone knew that Dobran did the DNA?” She was getting more nervous as she thought about it. “It might not be so bad. No one could trace the statue to me. I took it from the treasure.”

“You’re back to covering your ass.”

She made an impatient gesture. “What are you going to do?”

“My team at Asarti who slipped in with the firemen haven’t been able to get the security videotapes of the gallery yet. They’ll go back later and try again. That might tell us something. But that’s not all. Hassan Sebak has disappeared. We need to track him down.”

“Sebak didn’t know about you. I made it a condition that the DNA remain absolutely confidential.” She shrugged. “But, by all means, go after him. He might have stolen my statue, and all this worry might be for nothing. Besides, we have to remain safe.”

“I notice which one you put first,” he said sarcastically. “How nice of you to give me permission. But I’ve already set it in motion.” He turned away and stripped off his shirt. “Now take off your clothes and lie down on that couch.”

She had half expected it. Her resistance always aroused a sexual response in Varak. On occasion, she had actually used it to stir the passion hotter. But that was when she had attempted to use sex to bind them tighter together, when she’d had hopes that Varak might be someone she could control as she hadn’t been able to control Gideon. But lately she had realized that Varak would not be controlled either, and the sex was only to subdue her.

He snapped his fingers and repeated mockingly, “Take off your clothes, Zahra.”

Arrogant bastard. She shook her head. “I have to get back to the palace.”

“But our agreement is that I’m never to be without amusement out here in the wilds. Have you forgotten?”

“I send you women to amuse you all the time.”

“But I’m bored with them. They’re whores, and nothing is new or exciting. No matter what I do to them, they just accept it.” He smiled. “While you accept nothing without a battle. I want you to scream for me.”

For a minute, she was tempted to pit her skill against his. But it was a struggle she was never sure she could win with him. She couldn’t afford to lose when so much was at stake. “Not now.” She turned to go. “But you enjoyed Dalai the last few times you had her. Fear is also exciting for you. I brought her with me in case I needed to negotiate.” She looked at him over her shoulder. “I imagine you have no trouble making her scream?”

He smiled. “No trouble at all. She’s like a startled doe most of the time. But you’ve trained her well, she never says no. Though I always prefer your services.”

“She’ll have to do. Don’t damage her too badly. She’s valuable to me. And I’ll need her back by tomorrow.”

She opened the door and motioned for Dalai to come into the house.

The girl was already tensing as she got out of the car, Zahra noticed. She had gone pale and was looking beyond Zahra at the open door.


No, Varak would have no problem making her scream.

* * *


Jill called Novak the moment she walked out of the museum.

He didn’t answer.

She called again.

No answer.

And then again.

He answered curtly, “What do you want, Jill?”

“I need to talk to you. Quinn just kicked me out of the museum, and I can’t just sit and do nothing. Where are you?”

“In the village. Hajif set me up with a vacant hut to use as an office, and I’m trying to coordinate the men I sent to Asarti to gather information.”

“Can I help?”


Time to eat crow. “I realize you’re pissed off at me, and you Copyright 2016 - 2024