Smokescreen - Iris Johansen Page 0,105

and force them to use the one through the gallery. Dobran liked that statue, too, and I knew he and Sebak would go after it and out the gallery exit if they were forced to run. Then all I had to do was put several of my men with the fire and police departments who answered the alarm. They’d only have to break into the gallery and find a way to grab the statue and smuggle it out of the château. Not a difficult job in all the confusion that would be going on.” He poured himself another drink. “It should have worked. I should have rid myself of Dobran, and you would have had your statue.”


“I got Dobran.” He lifted his glass to his lips. “Unfortunately, Nolan, my sniper, was also taken out by someone equally efficient.” He sipped his whiskey. “And I just heard from the team who went into the gallery to get your damn statue that it had already been stolen. No sign of other thefts, just that one artifact. Unless Dobran decided to sell it.”

“Not my statue.” Her eyes were blazing. “Stolen? What really happened to it? Dobran loved it, he wouldn’t have let it be stolen, and certainly not purchased.”

“Maybe not. I’m leaning toward agreeing with you. We have the murder of my very talented sniper to consider. As I said, something weird happened up there last night. We might not have been the only ones who were after Dobran, and that’s much more threatening than anyone’s taking your statue.”

“Then you should have gotten all this taken care of before anyone else had a chance to go after Dobran or my statue. I told you enough times that I wanted it done.”

“Forget the statue!” He suddenly hurled his glass across the room to crash against the wall. Then his hands were around her throat. “You listen to me,” he hissed. “You’re not stupid. I wouldn’t have gotten on your merry-go-round if I’d thought you were. Now stop acting as if you’re an imbecile. I might have saved us both by taking out Dobran last night, but it might be too late if someone is onto us and got to him first. We’ve got to think about saving our asses.”

His grip was bruising her throat. For an instant, she was feeling panic mixed with her fury. He always liked to hurt her. She knew how brutal he could be. “Let me go, Varak. How dare you speak to me this way. Stupid? I’m the one who had you brought to me when you were only one of Botzan’s dirty mercenaries. I gave you the chance to come out of this war alive and richer than you ever dreamed.” She stared him in the eye. “I’ve protected you, hidden you. I’ve done everything for you, and I’ve only asked you to do a few small things to keep our heads above water during a difficult time.”

“A few ‘small’ things?” His thumbs pressed harder into her neck. “Play a double game and attack when and where you told me? Help you to set up your fancy image with the U.N., so they’d choose you to run this son of a bitch of a country?” He bent his head and his tongue touched the hollow of her throat. He whispered, “And make certain that papa dearest was killed in a timely manner so that you could take over the presidency?”

She inhaled sharply. “I did what was necessary. He wouldn’t listen to me. He wanted to negotiate peace with them. You made no objection at the time.” She went on the attack. “And as long as you continue to cooperate, I’ll protect you…provided you protect me. But I won’t let you destroy what I’m building. I’ll get you out of Maldara as soon as it’s safe. Then all you’ll have to do is arrange to move my treasure safely out of Maldara for me, and I’ll give you the share I promised.”

“If it even exists; you’ve never let me see it.” His fingers pressed harder. “I’m beginning to doubt you, Zahra. You don’t want that to happen.”

“Don’t be foolish. It would be dangerous to take you there. I showed you the Great Beloved Wife, didn’t I? Dobran jumped at getting it. You could see how valuable it is.” She met his eyes. “I promise that as soon as I have the treasure secure, I’ll buy you an island somewhere, and you can set up your own little kingdom.”

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