Sisters and Secrets - Jennifer Ryan Page 0,65

worth fighting for, Amy.”

Amy wiped the tears from her cheeks. “I didn’t know you were eavesdropping.”

“I came to see if it’s okay if I take Emma and P.J. down to the stables, but I’m glad I heard Mason’s sound advice. I could have used some of that with David.”

“You two were having problems?” Amy didn’t hide her surprise.

“Every couple goes through periods where things seem off. Most of the time, you right them by reconnecting. Talking. Other times, you let things go and then it seems like this thing between you. I get it, Amy. Relationships are hard. Some can’t be salvaged. Mom will tell you that. She’s been divorced three times. But you and Rex . . . You two can renovate your relationship.”

Amy laughed at that turn of phrase. “Renovate, huh?”

“It’s been a lot of years. It’s time to revise the chore list, redo the one-on-one time you used to make a priority, and gut the schedule that leaves you no free time for yourself. You are important, Amy. Rex wants to make you a priority, he’s just tired of trying to catch you coming or going all the time.”

Amy wiped away a few more tears, then turned to Mason. “I’ll take everything you’ve said under advisement. I’ll talk to Rex. If this doesn’t work”—she looked from him to Sierra—“will I get the family discount if I need a lawyer?”

Mason didn’t know what to say.

Sierra laughed. “Subtle, Amy.”

“Well, you’ve been kind of quiet about how much time you and Mason have been spending together. I know about the one date, but you’ve been stingy with the details about how it went.”

Sierra radiated happiness. “Mason and I are very happy together. We’re talking about plans for the future.”

Amy sat up straight. “Seriously? How come I didn’t know things were moving so fast?”

“Because I have to consider the boys and what they want.”

Amy deflated a bit. “Yeah. I get that.”

“So I’d appreciate it if you kept things quiet until Mason and I decide it’s time to let the boys in on how serious our relationship is and that we want to make things more permanent.”

Amy’s eyes went wide. “Wow. Just wow. Like I knew you had a thing for each other, but this is so . . . great. I’m happy for you. Both of you.”

Mason stood and went to Sierra, wrapping his arm around her. “Thank you. We’re working toward something really special. I want the boys to be happy to be here with us.”

“Are we staying here?” Oliver asked from the doorway.

Mason turned to him, then glanced at Sierra, who took over. “We’re going for a ride.”

“You said that forever ago.” With slumped shoulders, Oliver walked to Mason and put his arms up to him.

Mason scooped the little guy up against his chest. “What’s up, bud?”

“Can we go now? Ple-ease?”

Mason chuckled and tickled Oliver’s softly rounded belly. “Yes. Let’s go.” He turned to Amy. “Want to stay a while and let Emma and P.J. ride?”


Sierra put her arm around Amy’s shoulders and led her out of the office. “It’s going to be okay. You’ve got this. If anyone can reorganize their life, it’s you.”

Chapter Twenty-Three

Sierra looked around Amy’s immaculate house and smiled. Things looked back to normal in the house even if she and Rex hadn’t set their relationship back on the path to bliss. Tonight, she’d give them a chance to talk in peace without their two little ones listening.

“Emma. P.J. Aunt Sierra is here to take you over to Aunt Heather’s for dinner.”

Sierra loved that she got to spend more time with her sisters and the kids. She’d missed this.

“What time will Rex be home?”

“Half an hour if he isn’t still avoiding me.”

Sierra brushed her hand up Amy’s arm and squeezed her shoulder. “You two will work this out.”

Amy huffed out her frustration. “I told the kids’ teachers I can only come in two days a week now. I was home today for the first time and didn’t know what the hell to do with myself.”

“Did you go for a walk? Read a book?”

Amy rolled her eyes. “I reorganized the hall closet.”

“You’ll get better at doing nothing. Maybe you’ll find a hobby or something that you like.”

“Easy for you to say. Everything comes easy to you. I always feel like I should be doing something.”

“You need to learn to give yourself a break. Instead of organizing closets, meet Rex for lunch. Spend some time reconnecting with him.”

“Like you’ve reconnected with Mason.” A knowing twinkle brightened Amy’s Copyright 2016 - 2024