The Sinners of Saint Amos - Logan Fox Page 0,49

him, making eye contact with Reuben. “Thought I told you to keep an eye on him?”

For once, Reuben doesn’t stay quiet. He shrugs. “We were waiting for you.”

The fuck?

The last thing I need is Reuben crushing on this chick. She’s already done possibly irreparable damage to our brotherhood—which I’ll make her pay dearly for—but this is a knock we don’t need.

Apollo comes closer, his broken camera dangling from his hand. He starts studying Trinity like he’s never seen a girl before and then steps back with a grimace. “Can we at least clean her up before we go? She really needs a shower.”

Trinity widens her eyes at him.

Was that what I was smelling? My nose wrinkles before I can stop myself.

“Yeah. Just a quick wash,” Cass murmurs close to my ear.

When did he come up behind me? He’s got cat’s feet sometimes, the evil shit.

Trinity shrieks behind the gag and yanks herself free. I wasn’t holding onto her all that tight—where the fuck would she go, anyway? The door’s locked.

She stumbles, probably not expecting to get free so easily, and goes to her knees with a muffled yelp.

“Don’t you wanna see what’s under there?” Cass is right against me now, whispering into my ear like the fucking devil himself. Another inch, and his dick will be poking my leg.

I shove my shoulder back, pushing him away. “That’s not why we’re here.”

Trinity scrambles up, spinning around to glare at Cass and me. She frowns furiously at us as she works to loosen the belt with her bound hands.

I’d caught a glimpse of her ass when Miriam was giving her those lashes yesterday afternoon. It took every ounce of self-control I could muster not to get more than a semi. Especially when her sweet howls of pain echoed around me. When I’d taken her to my room after I’d specifically not lit a candle. But it hadn’t been fully dark yet so I’d still gotten a fantastic view of her bruised ass when I’d put on the lotion.

I’d had just as much difficulty stopping myself from squeezing that ass. From slipping off my clothes and having her bare skin flush with mine.

“It’s two in the fucking morning,” Cass says. He’s moved closer again. “No one’s gonna come.”

Before Trinity can loosen the belt, Reuben steps up behind her. He slides an arm around her waist and snags the cuffs, pulling her hands away. She freezes, eyes wide and sparkling with fear. He hooks a finger into the cable ties and shifts his grip so he’s keeping her close with the same arm.

“We can’t, Cass,” I say in a low voice. “It’s…”




Reuben strokes her neck. At least, that’s what I think he’s doing. I lean back a little.

What the fuck?

He tugs, and a red rosary slips out from behind Trinity’s vest. He nestles it carefully between her breasts.

Fuck, that’s his rosary, isn’t it? He does like her.

This is the last thing we need.

But who the fuck am I to deny us the things we so desperately need?

“You have five minutes.”

Cassius darts past me, slapping Apollo’s shoulder as he passes. “Rube, bring her!”

Trinity’s eyes are bugging out of her head. She’d been keeping perfectly still while Reuben rearranged her jewelry, like a small fluffy animal trying to camouflage itself from a predator.

Only one problem.

There are four of us, and only one of her.

She can’t hide. She can’t even run.

She’ll have to endure it. Which could prove to be a dear lesson for her.

We’ve had many such lessons and they’ve only made us stronger.

We’d be making her stronger too.

She catches my eye, and her skin pales.


I guess it’s my smile.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


This can’t be happening.

It’s not real.

This is all just another prank. They’re going to shove me under the showerhead, maybe wet my hair. A little roughhousing. That’s it.

They wouldn’t dare.

Would they?

A shiver chases through me, spilling goosebumps over my skin and hardening my nipples under my thin vest. Reuben tosses me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, knocking the air from my lungs and leaving me momentarily stunned.

By the time I recover, I’m already in the shower cubicle. The shower’s already on, steam churning into the air.

Too hot. It’s too fucking hot!

Someone’s chuckling under their breath. It’s fucking terrifying.

I wriggle and scream into my gag as loud as I can when Reuben grabs my hips and sets me back on my feet. When I try to run, Zachary catches me with an arm and shoves me back. Cass grabs my cuffs and reels me Copyright 2016 - 2024