The Sinners of Saint Amos - Logan Fox Page 0,48

The adrenaline pumping through me puts wings on my feet, because I didn’t even know if I could get over—and then I’m landing on the other side with a slap of bare feet.

I race for the door.

Apollo drops his video camera and chases after me.

Blood sings in my ears as I grab the door handle and wrench it open.

But there’s someone blocking my way.

I bounce off Zachary’s chest and land with a pained yelp on the floor. I’m up a second later, turning around and stabbing a finger toward Cassius.

“He…he was going to—to—”

Apollo skids to a halt, raising his hands like I’m pointing a gun.

Cassius turns to face the door, props his elbow on the cubicle wall, and rests his chin on his palm. “Christ, Zac, what took you so fucking long?”

None of the guys look like they’ve been caught assaulting a female student.

None of them even look remotely guilty.

Which means…

I turn, my eyes going wide. My heart’s about to explode in my chest.

Zachary steps into the bathroom and closes the door behind him.

Then he locks it.

Chapter Twenty-Six


What took me so long? I came as soon as I got his fucking message. I scan the room, taking a snapshot of the situation. Trinity tries to dart past me, but I catch the back of her vest and haul her back.

That vest and a pair of white panties is all she’s wearing.

I sling an arm around her throat and put her in a lock. Not enough to choke her. Not even enough to cut off oxygen to her brain. Though I should have if I’d known how much trouble she’d be.

“This wasn’t what we agreed,” I drag Trinity forward with me despite her struggles. She sinks her nails into my arm, but even when she draws blood I barely feel it.

The ache in my wrists and ankles though? That’s another story. That shit’s been keeping me up at night. Getting high is the only thing that keeps it at bay lately.

When she starts gasping and gagging like I’m actually strangling her, I slap her ass. She yelps, whimpers, and goes still. I expect her to start bawling like a little girl, but her only response is a hitched breath.

“I told you to keep her contained until I arrived.”

Cassius waves a hand at the shower cubicle. “Container.” Then, he leans over and turns off the water. “In which she was contained up until a second ago.”

I shake my head through a long-suffering stare. “Where are the ropes and—?”

At this, the girl lets out an indignant gasp and starts struggling again. Another smack on her ass shuts her up as abruptly as the first time. Her knees give out, but I just drag her up again.

“And the gag?”

She screams.

I haul her up against my chest and clap a hand over her mouth. No one lives on this level and the walls are thick, but we can’t risk someone hearing the commotion.

How could we possibly explain away any of this?

Apollo moves closer. He holds out some cable ties constructed into a set of handcuffs. “No one uses ropes anymore, Zac,” he says, rolling his eyes as he cuffs Trinity’s wrists in front of her while I keep her mouth shut with my hand.

My ankles and wrists ache in protest at that comment, but I don’t challenge him. “And the gag?”

Apollo shrugs.

“Here,” Cassius says, jogging up to us. What the hell happened to his clothes? “Nothing like some used panties to shut a girl up.”

Trinity struggles in my arms, whimpering against my hand.

Not exactly hygienic, but there are worse things in life.

Much, much worse.

I ball up her stale panties and shove them into her mouth.

She spits them out.

I give Cassius a deadpan stare. He rolls his eyes at me and steps toward Reuben, gesturing at his crotch. Reuben lifts his arms like he’s being frisked while Cassius yanks off his belt.

He takes Rube’s belt, plucks Trinity’s panties from the floor, balls them up, and shoves them back into her mouth.

Then he uses the belt to keep them in place, tightening the buckle at the back of her neck.

Apollo comes back to the group, face forlorn. “I broke my camera,” he whines.

“I’ll buy you a new one,” I say, without looking away from Trinity.

“Hmm,” Cassius murmurs as he presses himself against Trinity. “Do we have to leave right now, Boss? Couldn’t we have a little fun with her first?”

“Cut it out,” I snap.

Astronauts can see his hard-on from the fucking moon. I cock my head toward Copyright 2016 - 2024