The Sinners of Saint Amos - Logan Fox Page 0,206

to hide her exquisite curves, my heart pulses in my chest. I put a hand over it, wincing before I can stop myself. Ever since the surgery, it’s been doing some strange things inside my chest.

My doctor says I’m imagining it.

I think he bought his degree.

Trinity’s eyes dart to my hand, then back to my eyes. Her face is steel, her body rigid.

Rube comes up behind her, a towel wrapped around his waist. I’d have assumed they fucked in the shower, but from what the guys tell me, that belt cinching her waist might as well be a chastity belt. There’s been nothing serious between the four of them since that day in the library back at Saint Amos.

Guess we all still have some issues to work through.

“Well?” she says, quirking her eyebrow at me. “I’m listening.”

My hackles rise at her tone, but then Rube sticks out a hand, palm down. I force myself to take a breath, and then I stand, urging myself to stay calm.

“Where do you want to—” I begin.

“Right here. Right now.” Trinity plants her ass on the couch opposite to the one I was sitting on, putting a small coffee table between us. Then she spends a few seconds rearranging her robe, as if she doesn’t dare let me get a peek at her legs.

“Fine.” I sit again, run my palms down my thighs, and wish my heart didn’t feel like it missed every other beat.

And then Rube leaves. I stare at his retreating back, my eyebrows shooting up to my hairline.

So much for moral support.

“Can we hurry this up?” Trinity says.

I turn back to her, my lips thinning. But then I remember what Rube said before he went into the bathroom to talk to her.

Don’t let her get in your head.

He doesn’t know she’s been in there since day one. Wasn’t able to get her out back then, sure as fuck won’t be happening now.

I start off the only way I know how. “I’m sorry.”

She sniffs, crosses her legs, and stares out the window at the black ocean. There’s a moon out tonight, so the beach glows under its pale light, but I’m sure she’s watching the waves. They’re hypnotic at night.

But nothing compares to her.

With her eyes off me, I have a rare opportunity to study her. Her dark curls, heavy with water, cling to the side of her neck. I want nothing more than to peel it away and lick up the beads of water it will leave behind.

With the apology out of the way, I can get onto the good stuff.

“I’m not going to defend what I did. Or try and reason with you. It was wrong. Dead wrong. And I shouldn’t have done it. But I can’t go back. I can’t change what I did.”

But she says nothing. Just keeps staring out the window.


I bite my tongue, keeping back another prompt.

When she finally turns to me, her amber eyes are fucking luminescent. “That’s it?” she murmurs. “I was wrong, I shouldn’t have done it. That’s your apology?”

I open my mouth, but she doesn’t give me a chance to speak.

“You’re right, Zach. You can’t change the past. But what’s stopping you from doing it again? Leaving them again?”

“I just said—”


That’s what this is about? She’s pissed because I left my brothers behind?

I frown at her, stand, hesitate. And she tips back her head to stare at me, as if daring me to walk away from the conversation.

Because that will be the end of it. Then I might as well keep walking until I’m out the fucking door.

I move around the coffee table, slow so she doesn’t bolt. And she lets me sit next to her, which is the closest I’ve been since I shoved her out of the way of Gabriel’s bullet.

“I was protecting them,” I tell her. I reach for her, but she pulls back, eyes slitting warily. “I’d…” I trail off, and then it’s my turn to look away because I’m not sure I can bring myself to tell her the next part. Not if I’m still trying to get her to trust me.

“You what? Thought they’d be better off without you? That they’d just go on with their lives?” She twists, facing me, her knees knocking against mine. Then she stabs a finger into my chest, ruthless, no concern for the scar less than an inch away.

“If that’s the case, then you should never have come back because it’s obvious you don’t give a fuck about them.”

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