The Sinners - Ruby Vincent Page 0,44

her kid and you three will be expelled in your senior year. I’m serious, Royal. Don’t let this get out of hand.”

He opened one eye. “Who’s in charge? Me or you?”

“Hmm.” I tapped my chin. “Let’s see. You’re in charge of the Angels, but I’m in charge of your sex life, so if you think of it like that—”

I shrieked as he snapped me to his chest. “Careful.” Royal bit my lip, nipping just enough to straddle both sides of pain and pleasure. “That ass doesn’t have me whipped yet.”

“Give it time.”

Royal smirked. He loved our banter though he never said it. A guy like him needed someone to fight him and push back. That’s what a true partner does. They give you what you need—even if it hurts.

“When does Hiro get back?” Visions of scattered clothes and twisted sheets danced through my mind.

“He’s in the cafeteria right now.”

“That’s good,” I said, meaning it. The series of events that led to Hiro getting shot began with me and my family. I was glad he was recovered and back at school.

If Hiro felt the same about being back at the academy, it was hard to tell. His patented scowl and narrowed eyes surveyed the students passing by. Then he landed on me. Hiro’s face shuttered closed.

Far from encouraging, but I won’t let it stop me.

I marched up to the Angel table a step behind Royal.


“Bancroft,” he said slowly. His arm was in a cast, but otherwise he looked okay.

“I wanted to thank you,” I said, “and apologize. The triplets said you were hurt defending me. I appreciate it and I’m sorry it came to this. Let me know if there’s anything I can do.”

“We need to talk,” he replied without a pause. “After school.”

What about didn’t show on his face. Hesitating a beat, I soon nodded yes. “After school.”

I turned to go.

“Where you going, baby?” Cassius piped up. “The Angel table isn’t off-limits to you. Why do you keep sitting with that kid when you could be next to me getting fingered under the table?”

I promptly flung my muffin at his head. Cassius caught it one-handed, tearing off a bite as he winked.

“He’s got a point,” said Royal. “Why are you always hanging with Lacroix?”

“He is what we call a friend on this planet.”

“Just a friend... right?”

I made a strangled noise. “How are you asking me that? Of course he’s just a friend.”

“And Lighthouse too,” added Clay. “He was feeling you up the other day.”

“You mean when he pulled a leaf out of my hair?”

“He took his sweet time with that damn leaf.”

“I’m leaving now.”

I turned my back on them, shaking my head. Clay and I were officially dating while Cassius and Royal maintained hook-up status. This didn’t prevent either one of them from acting like overprotective boyfriends when the mood struck them.

“Morning, B.” Brandon was his usual cheery self. “I see Hiro’s back. What happened to his arm?”

I repeated the agreed-upon story. “He broke it flying off a motorcycle.”


Camila caught my eye. She knew there wasn’t an accident. Her brothers told her he was beaten, but she didn’t know the full extent of what went on in the gang. The boys refused to put her in the dangerous spot of knowing too much.

“Did you guys hear about the party?”

I groaned. “Haven’t we had enough parties?”

Brandon threw his arm around me. I peeked to see if the boys were watching.

They were.

“For sure we have and I’d understand if you guys didn’t come, but my roommate is throwing this one,” said Brandon. “He’s a cool guy and it’ll be chill. Just music and hanging out.”

“Maybe,” said Camila. “I’ll see if I’m up for it.”

“Craig is cool,” I said. Brandon’s roommate waved and kept it friendly the times I ran into him. When the rest of the school was calling me a bitch and jumping me in the locker room, indifference was welcome. “I could go for an hour or two.”

“Sweet.” Brandon got to his feet. “Time to sneak in some tennis practice. See you guys in class.”

We lingered over our breakfast, talking classes and plans for the future. The bell rang and sent us scattering through the main building.

My academy classes were challenging. Teachers piled on the homework and took sadistic pleasure in dropping pop quizzes on us. The only class I had approaching fun was Coach Sutton’s.

The seniors headed into the locker room to change. My butt stayed on the bleachers. I tugged my uniform shirt over my head and shimmied Copyright 2016 - 2024