The Sinners - Ruby Vincent Page 0,28

cursing Headmistress Hart for changing the rules.

“I’m going to find this guy, Em,” Royal said. “And you’re not going to like what I do to him.”

His tone took me aback. “Why do you have to do anything to him? We can just turn them over to Hart or the police.”

“That’s not how it works,” said Clay.

Royal nodded. “We lay down rules and the kids in this school follow them. We said day one there’s no dealing on campus.”

“Whatever people want to sneak and snort on their own is their problem and their risk,” Cassius added. “But selling it and catching up girls like Melina who have everything to lose? That’s got to be handled before other people get it into their heads to go against the Angels.”

I opened my mouth. “But you—”

“No buts,” Royal pushed through clenched teeth. “Your hesitation is why you won’t be involved.”

“My hesitation is why I should be involved,” I snapped. “I’ll keep things from going too far.”

“You don’t keep me in check, princess.”

“Don’t call me that like it’s a fucking insult!” We glared daggers, air thick with anger when only a while ago it was thick with fevered promises and sex. “Make up your damn mind. If we’re a crew, we decide stuff like this together.”

Royal laughed. “I see. You think this is a democracy. My boys here will be happy to tell you who’s in charge.”

Clay and Cassius met my eyes. There wasn’t a trace of mocking or irony as they said, “Royal.”

Scooting out from under Cassius, I strode up to Royal. He tracked my approach, eyes narrowed, like I was packing a switchblade somewhere interesting and waiting for my chance to pull it on him.

Holding his gaze, my lips quirked up in time with my leg, skating up his thigh and then curling around his hip. My borrowed shirt rode up, exposing my bare ass as the other leg followed. My hands found his hair, twining his strands through my fingers as those crackling chestnut eyes swallowed me.

“You’ve made yourself clear. You’re in charge of the Angels. Now I’ll make something clear,” I purred. “You three are going to stop treating me like I’m nothing more than a shared fuck. You protected me, looked after Eli, and saved my life. I can’t just walk away after everything we’ve been through. I will help you find this dealer for your reasons and mine, and when we do find him, we’re turning him in. Not hurting him.” I pressed my mouth to his lips. “The Angels are about to become a democracy or this pussy closes up shop.”

A low, dangerous growl rumbled against my lips. Royal did not like that one bit, but if the last twenty-four hours revealed anything, it’s that my body most certainly had him under a spell and ultimatums worked like a charm.

I kissed him—soft and sweet. “Don’t be angry, baby. We both know I’m worth it.”

Cassius chuckled. “Rio said she’d make a fine Horsewoman.”

“So,” I pushed. “What do you say, Royal?”

The stiff jaw and lined brows vanished. “I say the princess gets what she wants.”

The words were right. The blank expression was harmless. Still, suspicion tightened my hold. Royal Cruz stood between his father and a gun. This was not a guy who gave in without a fight.

Royal deposited me on the bed. His motive for agreeing to my demands eluded me, but knowing him, I’d find out soon enough. Until then, I’d be the steadying hand behind this whether he liked it or not.

I crawled up to Cassius, tucking myself under his arm. The incorrigible man tucked his erection between my cheeks.

“Where do we start with finding this guy?” Clay jumped on Hiro’s bed, reclining on the headboard. “From what I hear, the Raveners are repeat customers but they won’t give them up easily. We shut down the dealer and there goes their party favors.”

Royal lifted his shoulders. “We don’t need them all to talk. Just one.”

“None of them are fans of yours,” I piped up.

“Don’t know if Destiny Hamilton would agree. She seems to like me just fine.”

The smile wiped off my face. “Destiny Hamilton? You slept with Destiny?”

“The lady likes a cuddle too,” Royal went on. “She tells me all about her problems. I’m sure I can get her to spill on the dealer.”

I shot up, knocking Cassius off. “How the hell are you planning to do that?” Biting, spitting jealousy rose the temperature in the room a thousand degrees. I was no dummy. Royal didn’t take Copyright 2016 - 2024