The Sinners - Ruby Vincent Page 0,27

Eli at his dorm, cleaned up, and then slid into his room for hours of mattress acrobatics. I was told eighteen-year-old boys couldn’t find a G-spot with a magnifying glass, and conked out before a woman got close. Cassius and Royal dropped those stereotypes on their heads.

“Eli tells you to find them and that’s it.”

I flicked his nose. “We’ve established that there’s a hold on my judgment shaped like Eli’s fist. Move on.”

“Hmm. All right.” He hooked me around the waist and dragged me down. I squealed as he licked my breast.

“Not to that.” I laughed. “I meant move on to helping me. We’ve ruled out car or house. What else could this key open?”

Royal bit my nipple. Rippling pain and pleasure made my thoroughly fucked pussy sit up and beg for more.

“You’re no help,” I breathed. My common sense was heading south fast. I grabbed the last shred of it and pushed him onto the pillows. “Focus. Key first, then sex. What else could this open?”

Folding his arms behind his head, he actually seemed to be considering it. “We got the gym and country club lockers. You said no to a safe-deposit box. It could open one of the lockers at the bus station. Or a storage unit.”

I gripped his forearms. “The bus station. Mom and Dad took off in her car. The cops know they drove, so they had no reason to check the bus station. It’s the perfect place to lead me.”

“Easy enough to find out.”

A knock sounded on the door.

“Who is that?” I asked.


“How do you know?”

“Hiro’s not here and no one else in this school has got business with me. Or wants some.”

“We can hear you, man.” Cassius’s dry statement came through the wood. “Open up.”

“Let them in,” I said, climbing off him. “But don’t say anything about the key. I know how you feel about Rio, but Cassius and Clay speak about him with gratitude. Rio can’t find out about this.”

“Those guys went against him for you, Em.”

I clutched the blanket to my chest. “I know. I’m not saying I don’t trust them. This is a tough spot to put them in and the fewer people that know the better. Who knows? I may not find what this goes to and it won’t matter anyway.”

Instead of arguing he tossed me his shirt. I pulled it on and left the rest of my clothes on the floor. All of these guys had seen me naked multiple times. Too late to get shy.

“Hey,” said Clay.

The two of them took in the scene.

“Came to tell you how Hiro was doing, but it doesn’t look like you two are missing him much.” The term devilish smirk was invented because of Cassius Walker.

“Asshole,” I said. “Of course I want to know how he is. Does your doctor really have him at Royal’s place by himself?”

“He’ll be fine there,” said Clay. “Doc’ll keep him till he’s on his feet.”

“Got room for me?” Cassius dove on the bed. He burrowed into my chest, making himself comfortable. “I got my ass beat this weekend,” he said. “I was kinda hoping you’d slide in my bed and make me feel better.”

I grasped his smooth jaw and kissed that smirking mouth. “That’s exactly what I was planning to do.”

“Y’all should do that now,” Clay said. “Royal, we’ve got to talk about this dealer. Rio wants him found and he isn’t giving us much time to do it.”

“Whoa,” Cassius said. “Why should I go? You think you’re leaving me out?”

“I’m not leaving you out of shit.” His eyes flicked to me.

“You’re trying to get Cassius to lure me out of the room with his dick,” I stated. “You can call that plan a bust. If you’re looking for the drug dealer, I’m helping. This is the one and only thing the Horsemen and I agree on. This piece of crap is peddling their poison to freshmen. My brother’s already gotten caught up in it.”

Royal propped up on the wall. He folded his arms over a bare chest, unbothered with wearing boxers and nothing else. “This isn’t your punishment, it’s ours. It also happens to be of particular interest to me.” His lips curled. “I don’t like this shit showing up on our turf out of nowhere. And I don’t like the trouble I smell coming for the OB kids. If the dealer is one of us, the Raveners will make us all pay for it.”

I knew he meant the grown Raveners sitting in the Estate Copyright 2016 - 2024