Sinners' Playground (The Harlequin Crew #1) - Caroline Peckham Page 0,180

easily, so I came up with an alternative on the spot.

"Shopping," I said sweetly, turning around to smile at him over the rim of my coffee.

"Why do you look so freaking happy?" he grunted. "Isn't this the part where you start yelling again?"

"I don't think so," I replied with a shrug. "I think that's what you want. To get me all hot and bothered and fired up. So I've decided to play you at your own game instead."

"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked, reaching out to take my coffee from me and drink the half of it I hadn't gotten to yet. Motherfucker.

I wanted to dick slap him for that alone, but I sucked in a deep breath and blew it out through my nose, forcing myself to stay calm.

"First of all, I think you should know that I'm celibate," I began, my gaze raking over his body slowly before I licked my lips. "I'm waiting for marriage, the white dress, Cinderella carriage, the lot."

"Fine," Fox replied, not even blinking as he set the empty coffee mug down. "Then I'll book a church and have you pinned beneath me in a white dress by the weekend."

My lips popped open in surprise and I just shook my head. "No. Fuck, your level of crazy is out of control. I was just saying that to make you back off."

Fox gave me a dangerous look that made butterflies go to war in my stomach and before I really knew what was happening, he'd grabbed me by the waist, tugged me flush against his body and had lifted my chin so that I was forced to meet his green gaze.

"How about I back off when your heart stops beating like that around me?" he suggested, sliding his hand from my jaw to press down against my thundering heart which was being a damn traitor again alongside my libido.

I swallowed thickly, closed my eyes and pictured a whale doing a hula dance with starfishes covering his nipples. The damn whale was doing a good job at being sexy though, so I gave up on that and just focused on the day that Fox had ruined my life instead and that helped me to shove him back a step.

"I said we're going shopping, so what are you waiting for?" I demanded.

I sidestepped the big asshole, whistled for Mutt and headed over to hop into his truck before rearranging his seat back into an upright position again.

Fox scraped a hand over his face in an attempt to wake himself up or maybe in a display of frustration then followed me, shoving me along the bench so that he could get in behind the wheel.

"No. I'm driving," I demanded, climbing on top of him and trying get him to shove over, but it was like trying to move a stack of bricks and I just ended up straddling him with the steering wheel digging into my ass.

Fox's hands landed on my thighs and he huffed as he leaned back against his headrest, looking at me seriously enough to make me pause in my attempts to make him move. There was a darkness in his soul that was all new and should have been terrifying. Yet sometimes, I felt like I wanted to crawl right into it and live there with him too.

"Nobody tells me what to do, hummingbird," he growled and I knew that that was the god’s honest truth. This man didn’t bend for anyone and I was treading a thin line with his temper, but I just couldn’t help myself.

"Is that why you fuck girls without a condom?" I sneered, pushing off of his chest to climb back out of his lap, but he dug his fingers into my thighs to stop me.

"Not girls. Just you. When we come together, I want to feel every single piece of it. I want your hot pussy tight around my aching cock and for there to be nothing in this world left to divide us," he said roughly, making my thighs squeeze together in an attempt to block out that visual.

"You're delusional," I said, my voice coming out unintentionally breathy.

"One of us definitely is."

"Just drive already," I growled, climbing off of him with pure determination and choosing to sit on the far side of the cab, leaving the middle seat empty between us.

Fox did as requested for once and when he managed to force his truck back out of Rejects Park, I directed him up the roads towards Copyright 2016 - 2024