Sin of Silence (Sinner's Empire #1) - Nikita Slater Page 0,62

to retain some of the intimacy they’d shared before they were interrupted.

"You're looking good, my friend," Klaus said as the waitress came back to drop drinks off. She placed Shaun’s glass of red wine in front of her, another drink in front of Jozef and another in front of Klaus.

The club was very good if the waitress already knew that this man would be sharing their table and what his drink preference was.

"Then again, it is hard to be ugly with a woman of such rare beauty at your side." Klaus glanced at Shaun, but his eyes slid away quickly.

Jozef signed, indeed, she is very beautiful. Jozef’s eyes lingered on Shaun and she could feel her face heating under his scrutiny. He continued, what brings you to my club? Were you looking for me?

Shaun translated for Jozef, relieved that it came easily to her. She just had to make sure that she watched his hands carefully and that her attention didn't drift.

"Indeed, I was," Klaus admitted, sipping from his drink. “There are rumours that the head of the Koba clan was captured, but he’s now safely home. This incident could make your family appear less in control than they should be. Others might think there is opportunity to bring the Kobas low. You need to be careful, my friend.”

Shaun translated, but her curiosity was piqued.

I sent a strong and public message to Vasiliy. Hopefully it will discourage others from taking advantage of our situation.

Klaus shook his head. “It was nasty, what you did to Vasiliy’s men."

Jozef’s brows drew downward into a frown. What I did was necessary. The mutilation of Krystoff Koba required a strong response.

Klaus laughed loudly and downed the rest of his drink before replying. "There was nothing subtle about your message. One dead body and seven fingers definitely sends a message."

Shaun froze as she realized what the two men were talking about. Jozef had killed and tortured someone. Suddenly the club felt less warm, less welcoming. The opulent surroundings now felt garish as they housed the brutality of the people within.

Jozef’s hands moved, but Shaun wasn't paying attention.

Klaus continued, chortling as he spoke. "I heard you did the deed on this very table and then sent his men's fingers back to him in a doggy bag. You have a sense of humour, my friend, even if it’s a grim one."

Shaun jerked back from the table, her eyes glued to a mark she saw on the opposite edge, one clearly made by a knife. Her heart sped up in her chest and her palms grew damp. How could she possibly forget for one single second who Jozef was?

Shaun jumped in her seat as she felt Jozef’s fingers at her neck. She swung her gaze to him. He was looking at her with concern, his fingers gently kneading the back of her neck as if trying to calm her.

"I can't do this," she whispered for his ears alone.

They stared at each other, both knowing exactly what she meant. She couldn’t handle that moment; she couldn’t handle Prague or Jozef. She couldn’t handle being forced to become part of a crime family.

Klaus’s voice boomed out again. "You two are so fucking cute together it gives me cavities. Come, let’s have some fun and not be so serious."

He reached into his suit jacket and pulled out a small silver box. He opened the box, revealing a small bag of white powder.

Shaun stiffened in her seat, her gaze on the drug. She suspected it was cocaine but couldn't be sure as she didn't have any experience with drugs other than the aftereffects of drug overdose in the hospital. Jozef sensed her discomfort and ran his hand down her back, resting it on her waist. His touch did help to calm her, but she was deeply uncomfortable when he reached out and took the bag from Klaus.

Shaun watched in horrified fascination as Jozef took a pinch of the powder and spread it out on the table, tidying it into three short lines. Everything she'd ever learned about the toxic effects of drugs on the brain rushed through Shaun’s mind. Jozef leaned over the table, pressing his finger against the side of his nose and inhaled the powder through his other nostril. He did it so smoothly, like it was nothing.

He bent to take the next line, but Shaun gripped his wrist, stopping him. He looked down at her with a raised brow. “Please don't," she said quietly.

It wasn't Jozef who answered, but Klaus. Copyright 2016 - 2024