Sin of Silence (Sinner's Empire #1) - Nikita Slater Page 0,61

the booth together. No glittery people, no opulent room, nothing but them.

"But you kidnapped me," she whispered, pain evident in her voice. "You took me from my job, took me from my family and my country. How can you think I will forgive you for these things?"

He thought about it for a few seconds, then signed, I don’t expect forgiveness.

She shook her head at him. "How can you want to be with a woman who only wants to get away from you?”

He reached out so suddenly that she flinched, thinking that he was going to hurt her. Instead, he took her chin between his thumb and forefinger and tipped her face up to his. His lips were several inches from hers; she couldn't tear her eyes from them. Hard, but so damn sexy they made her heart skip a beat. The scar across his lips only enhanced his appeal.

He stared down at her intently, his blue gaze searching her dark one. Then he dropped his hands and said, time will reconcile you to this life.

"I don't believe that," she whispered.

Nonetheless, this is how it must be.

"You're wrong. There are other options that don't include staying with you forever."

His frown was so sudden and so fierce that she stiffened and wiggled in the booth in an attempt to move away from him a few inches.

There are no other options, he signed rapidly, his movements jerky. You will stay with me. You will not leave and you will learn to adapt.

"No," she said clearly. “I won’t.”

He reached out and gripped her by the back of the neck, dragging her against him. Her heart hammered as he held her against his chest, staring down at her with an intensity that sent a chill skittering through her body. He spoke with his eyes instead of his hands and his message was clear. You will never leave.

Before they could say anything else though, they were interrupted.

"I see someone let the dog out of his cage."

Chapter Twenty-Three

A tense silence fell on the table. Shaun's wide gaze moved from Jozef to the man standing next to the table with two bodyguards behind him. She was relieved to see Havel off to the side of the VIP area, his hard gaze on the uninvited guests. She never thought she’d be happy to see Havel, but he was a familiar face who she knew was on Jozef’s side should anything happen.

Just as the tension grew so thick that Shaun wondered if somehow an enemy had managed to make his way to their table, Jozef’s face split into a wide grin and he slapped the table with the palms of his hands, standing to greet the man. He reached out and they shook hands, then clasped shoulders.

The man's eyes strayed to Shaun, his gaze lingering speculatively before swinging back to Jozef. "I heard that you have new sweetheart." The man had a thick accent, maybe Russian.

Jozef tugged Shaun against his side and nodded at her. She took that as her cue to introduce herself to the stranger.

Shaun took the proffered hand and murmured, “Dr. Shaun Patterson.”

His speculative look sharpened and for a moment Shaun was positive he knew exactly who she was. Was there news coverage of her disappearance? She wouldn’t be surprised. Though the Ukrainian border with Russia had become largely lawless, and it wasn’t unheard of for people to go missing, a woman of her stature, working with Doctors Without Borders, would draw attention. Along with the dramatic hospital exit, Shaun was fairly certain her disappearance was a hot topic. The man didn’t mention the kidnapping though.

"I am Klaus, good friend of both the Koba family and this scoundrel here." He looked at Jozef with a wide grin. "I heard you were back in town. Do you mind if I sit?"

Jozef waved him into the booth and pulled Shaun even closer against his side, his hand at the back of her neck sending pleasurable skitters of awareness down her spine. Apparently Jozef had no qualms about public displays of affection. The guards hovered nearby until Jozef waved them away.

"Do you require translation this evening, sir?" Karl asked before leaving.

Jozef hesitated then glanced at Shaun and shook his head. As she watched, Jozef signed, my fiancé will translate for us.

Shaun raised her eyebrow. It was clear that Klaus was an important contact, possibly a business associate. It was a dangerous game getting someone like Shaun to translate. She suspected that Jozef didn't want his bodyguards nearby because he wanted Copyright 2016 - 2024