Show Time (Juniper Ridge Romantic Comedies #1) - Tawna Fenske Page 0,10

gives her hand a firm shake. “I hope we’ll be seeing a lot more of you.”

“Same.” Vanessa turns to Mari. “It was a pleasure meeting you as well.”

“Likewise.” Mari stands and slips a business card out of the pocket on her briefcase. “If you have any questions about the benefits package or the details of the offer, please call me anytime.”

“I will, thanks.” Vanessa slips the card into her purse and turns to me. “I’m parked out in front of the lodge.”

“I’m walking back there anyway.” I let her go first, then worry she’ll think I’m checking out her ass. Goddammit, I should have paid more attention in that HR workshop Mari gave.

But soon we’re walking side by side across the parking lot, the early summer sun bathing us in warm, syrupy light. On the western horizon, the red-gold dirt of the Cascade foothills seems to glow. There’s a grassy field to the west where an irrigation system gives a steady tsk-tsk-tsk, scolding me for thinking impure thoughts about Vanessa.

“Is all of this part of the Juniper Ridge property?” she asks.

“Yeah, we’ve got a little over 50,000 acres. Members of BONK planned to expand and eventually build a sports stadium over there by the waterpark.”

“That’s right, I read about the waterpark.” She grins and flutters the papers of the contract. “Definitely a job perk I’ll take into consideration.”

“There’s a world-class climbing area just north of here.” I point toward the ridge where the basalt cliffs cling to shreds of late sunlight. “In case that’s a selling point.”

“Noted,” she says. “I do love rock climbing. And I read somewhere that there’s a lake for paddling?”

“You haven’t seen it yet?”

She shakes her head. “I meant to ask for a tour, but we got busy.”

“Damn, I should have offered you one.” This is why I shouldn’t be in charge of hiring.

“It’s okay. I really do need to get back, but maybe I could come out again soon for the tour?”

“We’ll make it happen.” The eagerness in my voice makes me want to hurl tomatoes at my own junk. Luckily, we’ve reached the edge of the parking lot, where an older-looking Lexus SUV sits next to Gabe’s vintage Mustang.

Vanessa hits the key fob to unlock her car and smiles. “I recognized Gabe’s car, so I figured this was an okay spot to park.”

“You’ll have your own designated parking spot.” That’s assuming she accepts the job. I shouldn’t get ahead of myself. “One of the perks of an administrative position.”

Opening the rear door, she sets her bag on the floor of the backseat. “What about lodging? I know the ad said that’s provided, but would I have to sleep with someone else?”

Her word choice seems to register in her brain at the same time it does mine, and her cheeks flush crimson. “I didn’t mean—”

“No, that’s okay. You’d have your own private cabin.”

“Great. Perfect.” She bites her lip. “This might be an awkward question, but—”

“It’s okay, I’m used to it.” Fuck, that was dumb. I have no idea what she’s going to ask, but experience tells me it’s something personal like my breakup with Andrea Knight or the Dave Wienerman scandal. “I mean, you can ask anything.”

She gives me an odd look. “Okay, um—I was wondering about pets.”

I blink. “Pets?”

“Dogs, specifically.” Her cheeks flush just a little. “I’ve always wanted one, and this seemed like a good chance to adopt a dog.”

“Oh. Yes, of course.” I’m such an idiot. “You can definitely have pets in your cabin. As many as you like, dogs or cats or zebras or pterodactyls.”

She laughs and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. “Just a dog will do. Thanks.”

God, she’s beautiful with that color in her cheeks and the sun glinting in her hair.

Which is why I take a step back. “It’s been a pleasure, Ms.…Vanessa.”

“Likewise Mr.…Dean.” She smiles and holds out her hand to shake.

I’ve just started to reach for it when her eyes blaze wide.


With a shriek, she leaps onto the car’s running board, shoes scrambling for purchase. Her heel slips on the metal edge as her arm tangles in the seatbelt, and she flails back with a blood-curdling scream.


I throw my arms out to catch her without fully registering her words. She lands against my chest with a helluva lot more force than I’m expecting.

“Ooof.” I reel to the side, fighting to keep us both upright, but she’s struggling and shrieking and still panting “snakesnakesnakesnake!” as I struggle to keep my balance.

I’m realizing she must have Copyright 2016 - 2024