Short Stack - Lily Morton Page 0,31

this time.

For the next couple of hours, I wander through the city, looking disinterestedly in shop windows and galleries. I stop for a sandwich but end up pushing the food aside because the phone stays silent, and I feel almost sick.

Finally, having exhausted my options, I wander back to the hotel, taking my time and occasionally pulling out my phone to check that the battery is still working and I’ve got coverage. Sadly, I have both. I stick it back in my coat pocket, pausing on the side of the road before crossing.

I look up and freeze, because there in the window of the hotel bar are Asa and Hayden. They’re sitting with a few empty glasses in front of them, indicating they’ve been there a while, and they’re absorbed in conversation. As I watch, Asa laughs and reaches out to slap Hayden on the back, and the other man smiles widely at him. Several people are staring at them, and I don’t blame them because they’re a striking sight.

I’m so absorbed that I step out onto the road without thinking. A blaring horn recalls me to the present, and I jump back out of the path of an oncoming car. The driver of the vehicle waves his fist at me, and I raise a hand to say sorry, shaking slightly at the near miss. I look up, and through the window, Asa stares at me, his mouth open.

I shake my head angrily at him and march over the now clear road, aware of a commotion at his window.

After entering the hotel, I make no attempt to go into the bar, bypassing it and making for the lifts. I tap the button, and just as the doors open, I hear my name being shouted. Pretending not to hear, I push into the lift and crossly press at the button for our floor. Fuck the twat. He can use the stairs.

However, just as the doors close, his hand forces them back, and he half falls into the lift. “Jude,” he exclaims, his face full of joy. “You’re here.”

“Obviously,” I say sharply.

He goes to pull me into a hug, but freezes as I move deliberately back. “Jude?”

“I’ve been here for hours,” I say coldly. “I wasted four of them waiting in our room before giving up on you. I’ve been wandering around Dublin since then.” I pause. “Still, at least you had company in the bar.”

“What?” he gasps. “What are you talking about?”

“Oh, really,” I huff. “Don’t try that. You’ve been there for fucking ages, Asa. Did you maybe think of giving me a ring to see where I was?” I shake my head. “I don’t know why I fucking bothered coming. You’re obviously happy enough.”

“Stop,” he says sharply. “Sweetheart, stop. I’ve been waiting for you. Jim said he’d phone me when you got to the hotel.”

“Well, Asa, that was hours ago,” I say flippantly, shrugging off his hand as he tries to grab my wrist. “You certainly took your fucking time. Were you in Timbuktu doing your friend a favour?”

“Jude, please,” he begs, finally cornering me in the lift. “My phone battery’s dead, but Jim rang Hayden to say your flight had been delayed, so I carried on working.” He pauses. “I hate being in that room on my own. I just wanted you to be here.”

“Hmm, so much so that you didn’t come to pick me up. You weren’t even due to work,” I accuse, and wince at the shrill note in my voice and the way that Asa is looking at me like I’ve grown two heads.

“Sweetheart, I didn’t think you’d mind. You always say that it’s such a media circus when I pick you up. I thought it made you uncomfortable.”

“It does, but I’d rather see you more.” I punch the button again. “Why the fuck is this lift taking so long?”

He takes my hand and curls it in his. “I’m so sorry,” he says passionately. “Please don’t be angry, Jude.” He looks at me searchingly. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you angry.” He shakes his head. “I don’t like it.”

“I don’t think I’ve ever been this angry,” I admit. “Or hurt.”

He jerks as if I’ve struck him, a look of horror on his face. “Oh God, don’t say that, Jude, please. I’m so sorry. I would rather cut off my arm than hurt you.”

I shake my head. “Don’t be so melodramatic. I can see where Billy gets it from. Anyway, you need your arm to wield Copyright 2016 - 2024