Shifted Love Volume 1 - Fiona Davenport Page 0,51

cock, I abandoned myself to the instinct to breed my mate. I yanked out of her and flipped her over, raising her ass into the air. My wolf growled with satisfaction, barely keeping beneath the surface of my skin as I let him take charge. I slammed into her again and she screamed, her ass thrusting back to take all of me. “That’s it, baby,” I grunted. My fingers dug into her hips, and I pounded in and out. They were going to leave a mark, and my wolf growled in frustration. He wanted to mark our mate.

Bending forward, I moved my hands to her tits and twisted and plucked her sensitive nipples while I licked a path to her neck. When I reached the place where I’d made her mine, my canines descended. I was a heartbeat away from coming, and my wolf went fucking crazy. Quickly, I glided one hand to her pussy and pinched her clit just as I sank my teeth into her warm flesh.

“Kaaace!! Yes!!” Larissa threw her head back and screamed as she flew apart. I planted myself as deep inside her as I possibly could and finally let my orgasm barrel through me, ending at my dick, pushing out my come out in a massive explosion. “Fuck yes, baby!” I shouted. “Squeeze that pussy. Take every drop. Fuck! Fuck!”

After our orgasms receded and our breathing had returned to normal, I cuddled her close. Her body was sprawled across mine, and my dick was still snug inside her. “Good thing the kids are at Calliope’s,” she mumbled.

I snorted. “You think that wasn’t by design?”

Larissa’s head lifted, and she looked at me with narrowed eyes. “How long have you been planning this little baby making session?”

I grinned without an ounce of shame. “Since you had Izac.”

She tried to look put out but ended up laughing and giving me a sweet kiss. “I love you.”

“Love you, too, baby.” I grabbed her hips and began to drag her up my body until she was straddling my face. “Now, I believe I promised to give this pussy some attention.”

It was rare for us to be able to be uninhibited in bed with three little ones in the house, so I took full advantage and spent the whole night listening to my mate’s loud cries of pleasure as I gave her round after round of orgasmic bliss.

Three months later, Larissa grumbled good naturedly about more testosterone when the doctor broke the news that we were having another boy.

Extra Epilogue


“I wonder how Zeke did with the kids?” I asked as my best friends and I walked up the steps to Allegra's house. Her mate was the one who ended up watching Talon, Jake, and Alena while we went out for a little girl time. Kyla and Brea were hanging out at my house with Kace, and Tane was one town over taking care of some pack business. We hadn’t been gone long since the oldest three tended to be a handful when they were together, but getting mani-pedis while sipping champagne had been fantastic.

Calliope pressed her index finger over her lips and made a “shh” sound. “We should be quiet so we can sneak in and see how everything is going.”

Allegra giggled and shook her head. “There's no way Zeke hasn’t heard us already.”

I shrugged and whispered, “You never know. Remember that one time we were able to sneak up on Tane when he was watching them?”

Calliope’s eyes went wide as she pressed her lips together. I figured she was trying to hold a laugh back because walking into their backyard to find her mate spraying down three toddlers who were covered from head to toe in baby powder had been hilarious. Nodding, she agreed, “I guess it's worth a shot.”

We tip-toed into Allegra’s house and stumbled into each other when we found Zeke and Talon sitting on the couch, almost nose to nose with each other. Neither of them moved an inch as Jake and Alena came running toward us. “Ooh, pretty,” Alena cooed as she tugged on Calliope’s hand to look at her nails. Allegra and I held our hands out so she could see the colors we’d picked, too. “I like the pink my mommy has best.”

None of us were surprised since the walls in Alena’s room were painted pale pink, her bedspread was bright pink, and at least half of her clothes were one shade of pink or another. She didn’t leave any room for doubt Copyright 2016 - 2024