Shifted Love Volume 1 - Fiona Davenport Page 0,50

with a dubious frown for a minute, then nodded his head solemnly.

“Okay, Daddy.” He held out his hand, and I put the cup in it. He popped the straw in his mouth and started sucking happily and wiggling to get down. I set him on his feet, and he wobbled out of the kitchen.

I noticed Talon began to edge that way, and I raised an eyebrow, staring him down. After a couple of beats, he dropped his head and muttered, “Sorry, Dad.”

“Stop messing with your siblings, cub.”

He nodded reluctantly. “Kay.”

“Love you, bud.”

Talon perked up and gave me a bright smile. “Love you too, Dad!” Then he walked proudly out of the room, just as he’d entered.

“Brea and I are barely outnumbered in this house, yet the level of testosterone makes it feel like there are a hundred more of you than us,” Larissa grumbled as she turned back to her cookies. She sounded put out, but the corners of her lips were tipped up, and she threw an affectionate glance toward the door.

I came up behind her and slipped my arms around to rest my hands on her flat belly. I fucking loved seeing her round and swollen with our cubs. “Maybe the next one will be a girl,” I murmured into her hair before sweeping it to the slide so I could kiss her exposed neck. When a shiver skittered down her spine, I grinned and did it again.

“Next one,” she gasped. “Am I pregnant again?” Her voice was filled with indignation. It irritated her to no end that I knew she was pregnant before she did. I could have pretended and let her “surprise” me, but what was the point?

“No.” I pressed my hands against her belly and brought her back flush with my front so she could feel my big cock begging to get inside her. “But you will be when I’m done with you tonight,” I growled.

“Oh, fuck, baby,” I groaned, my eyes sliding closed as my body pulsed with pleasure. Fur rippled along my skin as my wolf shuddered with need. He wanted to be dominating our mate, but it was my turn. “Suck it hard, Larissa. Oh, yeah. Fuck!” I forced my eyelids up so I could watch my mate take my cock to the back of her throat. Holding her hair in one fist, I helped guide her head up and down, fucking her mouth like I was gonna be doing to her pussy real soon. She raised her eyes to mine, and I almost lost it right then. She looked so damn gorgeous on her knees with her pretty lips wrapped around me, and her eyes filled with desire.

My orgasm was fast approaching, but I wasn’t about to come in her mouth. I hadn’t been joking around when I vowed to knock her up tonight. With a gentle tug, I pulled her off my dick. It took everything in me to stop her from continuing when she let out a disappointed little mewl.

“On the bed, mate,” I ordered hoarsely. Every muscle in my body was rigid as I tried to push back my orgasm. She scrambled up from the floor and jumped onto the bed, bouncing on her knees a couple of times before flopping onto her back in the middle. Shaking my head, I chuckled as I joined her on the mattress. It amazed me that she could be so fucking sexy and completely adorable at the same time.

I crawled between her spread legs and licked my lips at the sight of her dripping, swollen pussy. She widened the gap and raised her hips in offering. “You want my mouth on your sweet pussy, baby?”

She whimpered in response, and I slid a finger down her slit as I contemplated what to do next. My mouth watered to taste her honey, but my cock was about to explode, and I was pretty sure he wouldn’t make it through. I bent over her and braced my hands on the bed on both sides of her head. I kissed her deep and wet, leaving both of us breathless. “I promise to give your pussy my tongue, but I need to come inside you first.”

“Please, Kace,” she moaned. “I don’t care how you fuck me, just do it.”

“My pleasure,” I growled. I grabbed her ass and lifted her up to the perfect angle, then plunged deep inside her waiting womb. We both cried out at the acute pleasure, and when her walls tightened around my Copyright 2016 - 2024