She's Mine - Jenika Snow Page 0,52

arched a perfectly manicured eyebrow.

“I don't follow the rumor mill, Lindy. I have enough toxic crap to surround me.”

“You didn’t hear about your boy-toy?”

Keira shook her head, exasperated. “I don’t have time for this.” She went to turn, but Lindy’s next comment stopped her.

“You didn’t hear what Reese was doing at the party he beat Sully’s ass at?”

Keira didn’t say anything, didn't even show any emotion. That’s what Lindy wanted, to get under her skin and piss her off.

“I understand you’re upset because Reese doesn’t want you, but playing dumb really doesn’t suit you.”

Keira couldn't hide the surprise she felt move across her face. And Lindy, being a fucking piranha, smelled that unease and grinned wider.

“What in the hell are you talking about?”

“Oh, honey, you didn’t hear?” She feigned like she felt bad. “Reese doesn't want you. You’re not special to him, not when he all but felt up and made out with a girl at that party.”

Keira’s pulse instantly started racing, and she felt her cheeks heat.

“You’re mistaken.” Her voice was whisper-thin, and she cleared her throat, wanting to seem stronger, like Lindy’s words didn’t affect her.

“Honey, I’m not.” She said that with a bite in her voice. “No doubt he wanted to break that virginal thing you have going on. Now that he has,” Lindy said with a smirk, “you’re damaged goods. He’ll come to the real thing now.” She smoothed her hands over her cheerleading outfit, emphasizing she meant herself.

Before Keira could walk away and talk to Reese, clear this whole thing up, Lindy held out her phone. The image on the screen had Keira’s heart stopping momentarily.

Lindy’s grin was malicious. “Thought maybe you’d like to really get a look at what your boy has been up to when you’re not with him.”

Lindy started sliding her finger across the screen, showing her more photos. Some were of Reese fighting, but the others were of what looked like Reese and some girl in an embrace. The angle was weird, and it definitely looked like he was making out with her with how the girl’s head tilted.

“I’m done here, Lindy.” Fire licked through Keira’s blood. She felt dizzy, like she was dreaming. She kept thinking about her night with Reese, how he’d made her feel, how she’d given herself to him. She loved him.

She was in love with him.

And as much as she wanted to push this away, talk to him and see if this was a misunderstanding, she didn’t want to face him and see the truth in his eyes when she confronted him. Not yet. Not right now.

“There it is,” Lindy cooed. “That broken heart expression on your face. Oh, girl, you really cared for him, didn’t you?”

Anger the likes of which Keira had never felt before rose up in her. She saw red, felt hatred. She didn’t realize what she was doing until she slapped Lindy across the face.

A look of surprise flared on Lindy’s face right before she cupped her cheek. Keira hadn’t missed the angry red handprint that started to mar Lindy’s alabaster skin.

“You fucking bitch.” The words spilled from Keira before she could stop herself. She would not cry in front of Lindy, so she turned and left, heading past her next class and right out the front doors.


Keira had called Alex as soon as she stepped out of the school, and now that she was in his SUV, the thick silence stretching out and uncomfortable, her tears drying on her cheeks, she knew her brother wouldn’t let this go.

“Tell me what’s wrong,” Alex demanded for the fifth time since he picked her up.

Her cell phone went off again, and a look at the screen showed Reese’s number. He’d called her repeatedly since she left, which meant he knew what she knew and was trying to do damage control. But she didn’t want to deal with that right now, not when her mind and body were volatile with each other.

Her heart said to talk to Reese, hear his side of the story. But her mind said she didn’t want to risk it and didn't want to know the truth. She needed to think, get her thoughts in order. She needed to breathe.

“Keira, what the hell is wrong?” Alex sounded more impatient, getting angrier by the second.

She didn’t respond, just stared out the window and tried to force herself to stop crying. She wiped angrily at her tears, willing them to stop. She was stronger than this. She was better than it.

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