She's Mine - Jenika Snow Page 0,51

my own decisions. I love that you look out for me, but this is my life.” He looked at her then, not saying anything for long seconds. But then he shook his head in defeat. He knew she was right. “Besides, if I believed every rumor, I would put you in the category of womanizing asshole.” She grinned, but he rolled his eyes.

“Fair enough.” He exhaled and ran a hand over his short, dark-brown hair. “Just promise me something. Be careful, okay?”

“I will,” she said and smiled.

“I’m not against going to prison for killing a guy who hurt you.”

Now it was her turn to roll her eyes. “Don’t worry.” She leaned her head against his shoulder, and he wrapped his arm around her, kissing her on the top of her head. “I know what I’m doing.”


“Reese, man, have you seen the pictures of you at Harrison’s party?”

Reese slammed his locker shut and turned around to stare at Nate. “Who the fuck is Harrison?”

“The asshole who threw that party where you kicked Sully’s ass.”

Oh, that party. The one he went to without Keira before they made it official. Reese hadn’t seen Sully after that, which was a good thing or he’d probably kick the guy’s ass all over again. Just thinking about that prick talking about Keira that way set him on edge again.

“No, I haven't seen them, but I don’t give a shit. All those assholes who watched are nothing but motherfuckers anyway.” Reese started walking. He didn’t give a shit about some pictures drunk-ass people took of him kicking the shit out of that douchebag Sully. The fucker deserved the beating.

He headed into the lunchroom and grabbed a drink, and after paying for it, he headed into the main room, where he searched for Keira.

“These, man.”

“Shit, dude,” Reese said, not realizing Nate had followed him.

Nate all but shoved the cell in his face, and Reese snatched it out of his hand to get this over with. The first few pictures were stills of him and Sully grappling. The others showed Reese’s fist connecting with Sully’s jaw. He went to hand the phone back, shrugging in the process.

“Keep looking.”

Reese felt his brows dip low and scrolled through more of the same photos, but the next one had everything inside him stopping.

Someone had snapped several photos of the girl who’d been talking to Reese right before Sully mouthed off. The angle was awkward, the picture slightly grainy, but when she’d lost her footing and he’d reached out to stop her from falling, it made it seem like they’d been in an embrace. In fact, the longer he looked at it, the more it looked like Reese was fucking making out with her.

Her body was bent forward, his hands around her waist, and his face was blocked by her, so it was easy enough to envision what the fuck could be going on.

“What the fuck, man?” He swiped his finger across the screen and looked through the rest, but they were all the same. Reese noticed there were none of him shoving her away. Anger, white-hot and burning, moved through his veins. Reese shoved the phone against Nate’s chest. “How the fuck did you get them?”

“Fucking Lindy, man. But the whole school heard about the fight, and then this shit got passed around.”

“It looks like I’m fucking making out with that drunk chick.”

Nate nodded slowly. “No shit.”

“I didn’t do shit,” Reese said, his thoughts instantly going to Keira. “Man, if Keira sees that….”

“I know. She’s gonna think you fucked around.”


Looking around the cafeteria showed him Keira hadn’t arrived yet. He needed to get to her and explain it all, because the way this fucking school was, she'd no doubt heard already about this bullshit.

He didn’t want her to get the wrong idea, but shit, the pictures looked bad. What in the hell would she think if she thought he’d been all over some other girl then was intimate with her?


A sick feeling spread through him. “I need to find Keira.”

“Hey, girl.”

Just hearing Lindy's voice had the hairs on Keira’s neck standing on end and her stomach churning in disgust. Keira turned around; the false sweetness in Lindy’s voice, coupled with the fake smile on her face, told her whatever was about to happen wasn’t good.

Lindy wore her cheerleading outfit, her bitch squad right behind her, all of them wearing the same sickening smile. Before Keira could say anything, Lindy was talking again.

“You hear the gossip?” Lindy stood a foot from her and Copyright 2016 - 2024