She's Mine - Jenika Snow Page 0,48


He rose up and ran his lips along hers in a slow, sensual glide. “I'm never letting you go.”

She lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist, feeling every hard, male part of his body come in contact with her.

“Are you ready?” His words, his voice, were low, gentle.

She nodded and felt him start to push in just a bit, the thick head of his cock stretching her opening. He was big, thick and long, and as he worked his way inside, claiming her virginity, making her his, she knew she’d never be the same.

He worked himself in and out, and when he pulled out almost all the way, the tip lodged in her opening, she felt the stretch and burn move through her.

“Relax for me?” he breathed out, his face strained with the struggle to go slow for her.

He pushed every single inch back into her, groaning like he couldn’t help himself. Her inner muscles clenched around him, causing deep, whisper-like moans to tear from his chest. The discomfort was a lasting feeling, but the longer he tunneled in and out of her, the more she relaxed, the better it felt.

He placed his forearms on either side of her head and pushed up so he hovered above her. He looked dark and dangerous, like a fallen angel... her fallen angel.

He moved in and out, slow at first but gradually picking up speed. The discomfort turned to something darker, more carnal, and before she knew it, she lifted her hips to meet his thrusts. Never once did he take his eyes off her face, and for some reason, that made what they were doing all the more intimate.

Perspiration covered his chest, and the moonlight coming through the window caused the beads of sweat to glisten. Keira let her gaze travel down to his lower stomach and watched in female appreciation as the muscles of his abdomen contracted every time he pushed deeper into her.

“Keira.” Her name was a groan from his lips, and when he tilted his head back, the tendons of his neck stood out. “I’ve never felt anything so incredible. I never will again for the rest of my fucking life.”

He slammed into her hard, and the force had her sliding up the bed. Ecstasy took hold and wouldn’t let her go.

Over and over, he worked his cock into her, hitting an ultrasensitive spot inside her repeatedly. The climax that claimed her was swift.

“That’s it, baby. Let go for me.”

He breathed harder, so hard that was all she could hear.

“Look at me. Fuck, Keira. Look. At. Me. I’m coming.”

Forcing her eyes open, Keira watched his orgasm take shape on his face.

Once, twice, and on the third thrust, he bottomed out inside her and groaned long and deep. The pleasure that contorted his masculine features was a visual orgasm in itself, and the fact that she was the one cause of his pleasure had more consuming her.

He didn’t look away from her while he came, and all she could do was ride out the ecstasy. Her inner muscles clenched and unclenched around his cock. After long seconds, he hung his head, his arms shaking from the force of holding himself up and of his pleasure sapping his strength. When he pulled out of her, Keira couldn’t stop the disappointed sound that left her lips.

There were no words for what they’d done. The emotion and realness had been tangible, and she felt everything for this boy, and not just on a physical level. Reese pulled her in close, wrapped the blankets around them, then just held her. He smoothed his hand down her back, letting the tips of his fingers trail along her spine. Keira let the sound of his heart and the feel of his touch lull her to sleep.

He held her tightly for the rest of the night, and Keira realized she might very well be falling in love with the bad boy.


Reese listened to Keira breathing steadily, deeply, as she slept in his arms.

This unknown emotion squeezed his chest. She was everything good and right in the world. And she was his.

He held her tighter and pressed a kiss to the crown of her head. She shifted beside him but stayed asleep. The smell of vanilla engulfed him, and Reese closed his eyes and inhaled as deeply as he could. He wanted that scent on him, in him, imprinted in every cell of his body.

She burrowed closer to him, and the little puffs of air that Copyright 2016 - 2024