She's Mine - Jenika Snow Page 0,47

eyes bored into hers with so much intensity it felt like an extra set of hands moving over her entire body.

“I won’t let anyone else have you. Ever.” His declaration was fierce and strong and left no room for her to deny he meant just that.

He turned them and took her down to the bed at the same time he pressed open-mouthed kisses along the column of her throat. The sheets felt ice-cold against her back, or maybe her flesh was just overheated. Either way, it was sensory overload, and she moaned.

Keira spread her thighs wide so Reese could fit between them. An involuntary gasp left her when his cock pressed against her slick folds.

“Fuck, baby.” He panted against her chest, right above her breasts, and her nipples tingled from the close proximity. “You’re so fucking wet and hot.” He pulled back just slightly so he could look in her face. “I want to taste you, Keira. Will you let me? Will you let me kiss you right here,” he asked and slid a finger along her soaking slit.

She jerked from the touch. “I’ve never had anyone touch me like this, Reese,” she whispered.

His nostrils flared and he groaned.

Her mind was on hiatus, and her body was now running the show.

“I want to hear you say it.” He was slowly moving his lips down her chest, the warm little puffs of air from his mouth heating her flesh, causing the blood to rush to the surface. Her back arched on its own when he latched his lips around her aching nipple, and she involuntarily reached out to dig her fingers into his dark, short hair, keeping him in place.

Over and over, he tormented her body, alternating between breasts and sucking at her nipples so hard the pain and pleasure morphed into one.

“Ask me for my mouth on your sweet pussy.” His words were dirty, filthy, but they fueled her on, and she found herself lifting her hips and crying out.

“Please, Reese.” He moved down then and poised an inch from her pussy, his warm breath doing sensual things to the most intimate part of her. “I want your mouth there.”

And then his face was right between her thighs, his tongue sliding through her slit. A sound of pleasure and surprise left her.

“Christ, you taste incredible.” His words were murmured against her heated, over-sensitive, and wet flesh, sending vibrations to her core. He licked her from the opening of her pussy to her clit then slid his tongue back down again. He repeated this action until she squirmed beneath him, her climax approaching swiftly.

“Reese!” she cried out. “Oh. God.” In a move so quick all she could do was gasp, Reese had her clit in his mouth and a finger pressed gently into her body.

He sucked harder and faster than she could comprehend. And then she exploded for him.

Ecstasy washed through her, stealing her breath, her pulse, her very sanity. He didn’t stop, wouldn’t stop, even after she pleaded, begged, told him she was far too sensitive for any more.

Legs shaking, heart racing, and sweat beading her brow, Keira finally felt him move up her body. He claimed her mouth, and she tasted herself on his lips and tongue. She gripped his hair and opened her mouth wider, needing him deeper. His flavor mingled with hers, creating a plethora of sensations that burst along her tongue.

Lifting her hips and grinding her still sensitive pussy on his cock, nervousness slammed into her when he reached between their bodies and placed the tip of himself at her entrance.

She stiffened, not from fear but from anticipation.

“God,” he groaned. “If I died right now, I’d already know what heaven feels like.”

Her breath hitched, and she kissed him again, over and over until they were both breathless and mindless with their desire.


“I want to go slow, but fuck, I’m crazy in my need for you, Keira.”

She slid her hands to his shoulders, gripping the steely muscles. Maybe it was her nerves, or maybe it was her need to feel comfort at that moment, but she asked, “Have you…?” Keira closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Her face flamed, and she wished she’d kept her mouth shut.

“Look at me,” he said low, his voice husky.

She opened her eyes and stared into his dark ones.

“Let me take care of you.”

“I’ve never…. I haven’t had anyone touch….” She couldn’t force the words past her lips.

“I’m going to take care of you,” he said again, and her breath Copyright 2016 - 2024