She's Mine - Jenika Snow Page 0,21

or BMW? Or maybe it’s because people in this hellhole like to gossip like little bitches and talk about how he’s nothing but trouble?” Keira was fired up and didn’t mean to take it out on Molly. She knew her friend was just looking out for her, but even if she hadn’t known Reese personally for very long, he was so different in the best of days.

“Breathe, girl. Damn,” Molly said and chuckled.

“He wants to be friends, okay? We are just friends.”

Molly looked down and picked at her salad. “I just worry about you.”

Keira smiled and reached out to touch Molly’s hand. “I know. And thank you. I love you for it. But I promise, everything is good.” Molly lifted her eyes and nodded.

“Okay, then conversation done and over with.”

“You guys want to hang out this weekend? Maybe hit up Devil’s Bluff? You know there will be a party there this weekend,” Ian asked.

Keira shook her head. “I’ve, uh… got plans with Reese.”

Ian shrugged and started eating. Molly smiled, but aside from that, they didn’t speak… or look at each other.

Keira was tired of this shit. “Are you guys going to tell me what the hell is going on between you two?”

A mask instantly covered Ian’s face, and he glanced at Molly. Neither said anything.

“Okay, well I’m not going to press, but the tension is starting to make me antsy.”

Molly stood suddenly and grabbed her tray. “Give me a call later, Keira.” She didn’t bother looking at Ian before she left.

Keira glanced at Ian, who just shook his head and went back to eating. She wouldn’t dig, but it would be a lie not to admit the questions on what was going on between them were weighing heavily on her. They’d never acted like this in all their years of friendship.

“Not that it’s my business, but what is really going on with you and Reese Trenton?” Ian asked around a mouthful of food. Leave it to him to not take a play from Molly’s book, or hell, Keira’s, and not press when she clearly didn’t want to talk about it anymore.

“Friends, Ian. We are friends.” And she left it at that as she stood, grabbed her tray, and left.


“So, what, you’re into little Keira Sheppard?” Nate prompted, but he seemed less than invested in the conversation as he leaned against his car, his arms crossed, his focus scanning the parking lot. “You trying to fuck her, or what?” Nate glanced at Reese when he didn’t respond. “Her brother may kick your ass, but I bet she’d be a wildcat in bed. The shy ones usually are.”

Reese curled his fingers into his palms and gritted his teeth at Nate. “Dude, shut the fuck up, or I’m gonna knock your fucking teeth in.”

Nate snorted but grinned. “Really, dude? Who are you talking to right now? That scary, alpha shit doesn't work on me.”

Apparently, Reese telling him he’d kick his ass wasn’t threatening enough. Then again, this was Nate, a tough motherfucker who didn’t give a shit what anyone thought or did. It’s one of the reasons they got along so well. Reese was the same way.

Keira was always on his mind… like right now, like every fucking minute of every fucking day.

“You going to Devil’s Bluff this weekend for Krank’s party?” Nate asked, still seeming like he had something better to do. When Reese didn’t answer yet again, Nate looked at him and lifted an eyebrow.

“Doubtful. I’m hanging with Keira, and that’s better than getting fucking wasted and jumping off the damn ledge into the lake, wondering if some drunk asshole is gonna drown this time.”

The more time he spent with Keira, the more he realized all this other bullshit was just that—bullshit.

Molly pulled into Keira’s driveway, but before Keira got out, she turned in her seat and stared at Molly.

Enough was enough. “Are you going to tell me what’s going on?”

Molly kept her focus ahead of her, and she could hear how her friend ground her teeth. “When are your folks gonna finally cave and get you a car?”

Of course she was changing the subject. “Really?”

Molly glanced at her and shrugged. “They have the money.”

“They have old fashioned qualities for things; you know that. They probably want to wait until I graduate to give me one. Not that I need a vehicle when I have you to drive my ass around.”

Molly chuckled.

“No more acting this way, Molly. What the hell is up with you two?” Keira wasn’t going to let this Copyright 2016 - 2024