She's Mine - Jenika Snow Page 0,20

say it. “Okay, well, I’ll see you later.” She stood there a moment too long, staring at him as if maybe she had something else to say. She hated this awkwardness she was feeling being around him, but acting like they could be friends when she felt anything but was getting under her skin.

She went to turn and head toward the table, when Reese gently grabbed her elbow, stopping her.

“So, how about we do something this weekend?”

“Do something?” She faced him fully, aware people were staring at them.

“Yeah,” he said softly and let go of her elbow, but she didn’t miss how it felt like he did that really slowly, like skimming his fingers along her arm, as if he hadn’t wanted to let her go.

Or maybe wishful thinking.

“Yeah, like grab something to eat or check out a movie? Hell, maybe hang at a party that will most likely be thrown at Devil’s Bluff Lake?”

Another party didn’t sound that appealing after the whole Josh situation, and maybe her face gave that away, but he was shaking his head.

“Fuck Devil’s Bluff. Just you and me, yeah?”

“Yeah,” she said softly, ducking her head so the fall of her hair hid her face. God, she was making things so weird.

“We can do whatever you want. I just want to hang out with you, Keira.”

“That sounds good.”

His grin was blinding. “Cool. I’ll shoot you a text later today so we can set something up.”

“Yeah, okay.” She stood there, not moving, but her cheeks hurt from how big her smile was. He gave her a wink before leaving the cafeteria. She watched him the whole time, and when he disappeared from her view, she blinked back to reality and looked around, noticing so many people staring at her and of course leaning in to whisper shit.

She had no doubt the rumors about them would start back up, but she… really didn’t give a shit and instead let her smile grow as she looked at some of the nosey assholes who glared at her.

Keira made her way toward where Molly and Ian were and set her tray on the table before pulling the chair out and taking a seat. Keira didn’t miss the instant tension in the air when she was next to her best friends. They were so anxious with each other they hadn’t even been watching the interaction between her and Reese like everyone else.

Sighing heavily, she grabbed her sandwich and started eating. But her quiet lunch was short-lived when Molly started in on the questions.

“What’s going on with you and Reese Trenton?”

Okay, so I guess they did notice the interaction between us.

Keira lifted her gaze from her food to look between Ian and Molly. “What are you talking about?” she said between a mouthful of food. She could play dumb.

Molly narrowed her eyes. “Come on now. You two looked really friendly over there. Not to mention you’ve been talking an awful lot this last week.” Molly leaned forward. “I mean, your smile could have blinded the entire damn lunchroom as you stared up at him with these googly eyes.”

“Leave her alone, Molly,” Ian said without looking at her, but she ignored him.

“What’s the big deal?” Keira averted her gaze and went back to eating her sandwich, but she knew Molly wouldn’t stop until she was satisfied.

“There isn’t a big deal, but whatever is going on between you two isn’t just being friends.”

“Maybe it is,” Keira muttered.

Molly snorted. “You don’t see the way he looks at you?”

Keira wasn’t about to take that bait. She shrugged and kept eating. “He doesn't look at me like anything, Molly.”

“Okay.” She really dragged that lone word out. “I hope you know what you’re doing.”

Keira looked at Molly then, a spark of irritation building inside her. “What do you mean by that? He's been nothing but nice to me. He even helped me at Alistor’s.” Keira cut her focus to Ian, but he was too busy talking to some guy beside him. She knew damn well he planned that so he didn’t have to get involved.

If nothing else, he was smart.

“He isn’t like every other asshole who goes to this damn school, Molly.”

Her friend sighed. “I’m not saying he is, Keira, but you and I both know it’s not like he’s some angel either.”

Keira narrowed her eyes at Molly. “Why, because he’s poor, like that's some kind of dirty word in this fucking town? Or because he has a shitty home life? Maybe because he doesn't drive a Porsche Copyright 2016 - 2024