Time Untime(97)

Just like her father.

Well, not just like her father. The Guardian had beat the hell out of Ren to do it. Literally. He much preferred Kateri's way. Though to be honest, he was glad her father hadn't attempted that. Her father hugging him like a lover grossed him out even more than drinking god blood.

No wonder he felt hungover.

Which he shouldn't feel if he was a Dark-Hunter. "What color are my eyes?"

"Still blue."

Double damn.

"By the way, you are sex on a stick or more apropos sex in a can when you wear demon armor." She sucked her breath in sharply between her teeth. "Ooo baby. Nice."

He vaguely recalled summoning it. "I got the ability to summon it from my nurse. But the armor itself was a gift from my mother."


He nodded. "After I died, Artemis showed up with it and told me that I could access it with the demon powers."

"Nice gift."

"I would have rather had my mother."

"I know, baby." She laid herself down by his side and placed her hand over his heart.

Ren closed his eyes as her scent hit him all over again. Between that and her touch, his body went instantly hard. But worse than that were the feelings inside him. Feelings that wanted to stay with her like this forever.

Feelings that went wild as her breath fell against his nipple while she drew circles over his chest.

"You're killing me, Kateri."

She lifted herself up to look down at him. "I wasn't trying to kill you, sweetie."

But as his gaze fell to the gap in her shirt that clearly showed her breasts, he was sure this was terminal.

Her smile turned seductive as she slowly kissed her way down his body. His senses reeled. Why couldn't he have found her when he'd been human? His life would have been radically different had they met then.

But she hadn't been born. Not until centuries later ...

Oh, gah, I'm a dirty old man. One who was old enough to be her great-grandfather times a million.

That thought scattered as she took him into her mouth. Groaning from the ecstasy of her tongue caressing him, he cupped her cheek in his hand and stroked her jaw with his thumb. She was so beautiful. So perfect.

And the sight of her on him ...

How can I let her go?

But he knew he couldn't keep her. Not as a demon. Not as Grizzly's slave. Somehow he was going to have to find the courage to walk away from her and continue to live eternity without her.

Just the thought of it felt like a punch in the gut. For the first time in his life, he could see himself growing old with someone. Having a family ...

When he'd been mortal, those things had been vague and undefined. But now they were crystal-clear and he could see her face.

Grizzly had found a whole new level of hell to relegate him to.

Kateri hesitated as she felt Ren tense. Afraid she'd hurt him, she pulled back to see the hottest expression on his face. It was feral and hungry. He pulled her up to lie over his body so that he could give her the most incredible kiss of her life. His fangs brushed her lips as he buried his hands in her hair and fisted them without hurting. It was as if he was trying to consume her. That kiss left her breathless and weak.

Rolling her over, he used his powers to strip her naked. His muscles bunched and tightened around her while he teased her ear with his tongue until she saw stars. His hands seemed to be everywhere at once, stroking and delving, heightening her pleasure until she couldn't think straight.