
"Do we really have to?"

"One more day, Estes. We can take him back on the morrow."

"If we keep him any longer, my brother will send out a search party. He is the royal heir, after all, and we are deep in his father's kingdom."

"Yes, but I want to be buried deep in Styxx's kingdom one last time."

They laughed.

"Come on, Estes. I just want one more ride on the royal stallion."

His head spinning, Styxx tried his best to focus as they talked over him, but he couldn't. Someone poured something warm down his throat. Bitter, it caused him to sputter and choke.

Then it made him heave violently.

Estes rolled him over as his stomach unloaded itself. Repeatedly. It went on for so long that Styxx didn't think he'd ever stop regurgitating.

But finally his stomach settled and his vision began to clear. Completely weak, naked, and sore, with bruises all over his body, he lay on top of a stained blanket.

"Come on, boy," Estes said, his voice distorted and slow to Styxx's drug-numbed mind. "We need to get you washed and cleaned."

It wasn't until Styxx was waist-deep in the stream that he began to recall the last week he'd been with his uncle....

You know, Estes, you should bring him to Atlantis. I'd pay you a fortune for a go at him and his brother at the same time.

No, better yet, to watch the two of them have a go at each other.

Styxx covered his ears, trying to blot out things he didn't want to remember hearing. Things he didn't want to remember doing ...

Absolute horror consumed him. He started to bolt, but Estes caught him and held him tight against his naked body.

"Shh. Calm yourself."

"You ... you..." Styxx couldn't bring himself to say that his uncle and friends had gang-raped him.


Their laughter while they swapped turns with him echoed in his ears. Tears gathered in his eyes as shame filled every inch of his bloodied heart. How could the uncle he'd loved so much have done this to him?

Gods, his father trusted this man. He'd brought him into their home....

Estes tightened his hold on him. "You wanted to be a man, like Acheron. Now you are."

No, his uncle had used him like he was a chamber pot set there to service his needs, with no regards to his feelings or humanity. Worse than that, the bastard had whored him for his friends.

Styxx's legs buckled as he remembered Estes laughing after he'd finished with him the first time. I've cracked his tight little ass for you. Now who wants to break it in good?

Oh gods ... Now he understood some of the phantom pains he'd felt on the most private places of his body. And he knew exactly what Estes had done with his brother.

"Acheron's your whore."

Estes smiled proudly. "You're not as well trained as he is yet, but one day you'll be as good a fuck, I promise."

Styxx shoved at him and tried to run, but he slipped on the rocks and fell into the water.

Estes grabbed him again. "Don't be like that, little stallion. Acheron enjoys it. He even begs for my cock. As his twin, you will, too."

Shame, horror, and agony shredded his soul. "You're disgusting! Pervert! I'm going to tell my father what you've done!"