
"He might not have held back an entire army, but he did carry me to safety and put me on his horse while he stayed behind to fight."

"I might have done that." Styxx grinned sheepishly. "But only because I knew how much he wanted to return to all of you."

Darian clapped him on the back. "So Highness, to what do we owe this honor?"

"Gaius's family is in need."

The humor fled Darian's face. "How so?"

"His widow is very ill. I took her and his children to Galen and I remembered that you mentioned you had a number of sisters who were always looking for work as companions and nurses."

"I'll send them over immediately."

"Thank you." Styxx pulled out his purse.

"Nay, no money is necessary. We take care of our own."

Styxx pressed the purse into his hand. "Yes, we do, Darian. Please take it for their services."

Darian hesitated before he nodded. "Thank you, Highness."

"Thank you, brother." Styxx embraced him. "They're at the barracks, in Gaius's quarters. And I would love to stay, but I'd best be getting back for my sister's banquet so as not to insult her or my father with my absence."

"Give our best to the princess and king."

"I will, and if you need anything at all, let me or Galen know immediately."

Darian started to salute then pulled Styxx into a brotherly embrace.

Styxx returned it before he made his way through the door. As he started to leave, Darian's youngest daughter, who appeared around the age of six, came running up to Styxx. "Highness?"

Styxx knelt down by her side. "Yes, Eleni?"

Bethany was as shocked that he knew her name as she'd been when he'd greeted Gaius's children by name.

"Thank you for bringing my daddy home." She fell against him and hugged him tightly.

Styxx returned the hug and kissed her lightly on the head. "My pleasure, akribos."

A chill went down Bethany's spine at the way he said that. She knew that tender tone of voice.

Those words.

No ...

It's not possible.

Her heart pounding in fear, she followed him after he left and went to buy herbs she was more than familiar with. Why would a prince want Nyx Root and Onero? Either was strong ... together they could be lethal.

Styxx didn't speak to anyone else as he returned to the palace, where servants were now rushing about in expectation of guests. None of them paid any attention to the prince as he made his way up the stairs and to his room.

He put the herbs in a small chest by his bed then pulled off his crown and placed it on top of them. He unpinned his chlamys and moved to get a fresh chiton.

Bethany didn't think anything about it until he took off the one he was wearing and confirmed her worst suspicions.

Styxx was Hector.

Stunned, she covered her mouth as her gaze took in the sight of his naked body. A body she knew every contour to. Every single horrifying scar that marred what should have been a flawless royal physique.