
But the most painful of all was the fact that she'd unknowingly wronged Styxx. That she'd offered him up to Apollo with no regard of how it would affect him.

I am such a bitch....

Wanting to make amends, she followed him and noted the way his mood darkened with every step that took him closer to home. By the time he walked through the palace doors, the bitter agony in those pale eyes was so thick it made her breath catch.

Inside the palace walls, he closed his eyes and she watched as his entire demeanor changed. He buried his emotions and held his head high. He lowered the cowl and the raw, masculine beauty of him struck her even more than it had earlier.

Gone was the gentle, sweet man who'd taken a platter of fruit to two boys while they played, and the one who'd said nothing unkind as a toddler soiled his expensive clothes. Now, he was again the arrogant prince with a ramrod-stiff spine and a guarded gaze.

This was the man she'd seen at war.

His features were absolutely perfect. Flawless. Cold and unfeeling. The cowl had tousled his blond waves around his gold crown and face, and given him an adorable boyish appearance to a presence that was overwhelmingly fierce warrior and regal prince.

And that body ...

Even though Hector owned her heart, she had to give the prince credit. He was a fine manly specimen as he went down a back hallway and knocked on a door.

A young maid opened it. Her face lightened expectantly as if she was used to the prince seeking her out. "Yes, Highness? Can I do something for you?" But her expression said she'd rather be doing something to him.

He stepped back as if the woman's interest made him uncomfortable. "I need you to assign three women to the barracks. There's an ill woman there with her children and she needs help until she's recovered."

The girl screwed her face up in distaste. "Princess Ryssa will not approve of us doing such and she's the only one with authority to reassign our duties."

Her refusal caught Bethany off guard.

But apparently the prince was used to it. "Is there not one decent woman among your company who will help a hero's widow?"

Hestia boldly stepped forward and placed her hand on his chest. "Depends on the recompense, Your Highness."

His expression turned ice-cold. Without a word, he spun about and headed down another hallway. Then he paused as if thinking better of his errand.

He pulled his cowl up and left the palace to head back into town.

Even more curious now, Bethany followed him to a small house not far from the market. He knocked on the door and after a few minutes, a large burly man answered.

"Darian," Styxx said in a friendly tone as he extended his hand to the peasant.

Smiling, Darian shook the prince's arm. "Your Highness ... are we being summoned to war again?"

"No. With luck, all that's behind us. But ... I have a favor to ask."

"For you, my lord, anything. You know that." He opened his door wider. "Would you like to come in?"

She expected Styxx to decline, instead he nodded.

"I'd be honored to meet your family."

Keeping herself invisible, she followed the men into the tiny, yet cozy home that was filled with women and children.

"Gia! Meet Prince Styxx, the man who thrice saved me from an enemy sword."

Styxx bristled at his compliment. "I'm not sure about that, but it's a pleasure to meet you, Gia. Darian told me often how beautiful you were, and I can see that he didn't exaggerate in the least."

She was completely speechless and flustered before her prince.

"Children!" Darian called. "Come and meet the man who carried your father and placed me on his regal horse to ride to safety while he held back an entire army to save me."

Styxx held his hands up. "I definitely did not do that."