
She caught it in her hand and saw that it bore the same phoenix emblem as his shield. It was the badge of his Stygian Omada.

Without another word, he wheeled his horse about so that he could personally carry an infirmed woman and her small granddaughter to the walled city, farther inland.

Stunned by his unexpected wisdom and kind charity, she went to join them in their trek to safety. A part of her still waited for it to be a trick of some sort.

As they walked, she scanned his men, looking for her Hector. But these were all cavalry. There wasn't a foot soldier among them. Another unexpected honor to her people that he used noblemen and his best-trained soldiers-not peasants-to protect them.

And as she watched him, something about the prince reminded her of her love, but Hector wouldn't be wounded. Not if he wore her charm, and he'd had it on the last time she saw him. There was no reason to think he'd remove it. Plus, the prince appeared a bit older than Hector. Definitely more stern and sure of himself. Hector was bashful and reserved. He would never rush into a fight so recklessly.

No, Styxx was not the man who set her on fire.

But now she finally understood why Athena had chosen this prince as her pet. He was honorable when others weren't. And he treated everyone around him with respect ... as if they mattered.

Even his enemies.

Still, this good deed changed nothing. They were at war and she would eventually destroy him for daring to come to her shores and kill her soldiers. His compassion today had won him a small reprieve while she saw to their followers.

Tomorrow, however, she would be after him with everything she had.

Entering the city walls, she watched as Styxx gently carried the old woman into Agapa's temple, which had been set up to receive those left homeless by these invaders. He turned her care over to a young priest, but not before he said something that made the old woman smile and kindly lifted her granddaughter up to sit next to her.

Honestly, it surprised her that none of the Atlanteans attacked his soldiers. It would be an easy way to end the war now.

But her people weren't as treacherous as the Greeks. They never had been. Instead, they honored Styxx and his men's decent intentions and allowed them to deposit the villagers then leave without incident.

Come morning, though, they would be at war again.

With that thought foremost in her mind, she left the girl's body and went to find her great-grandfather at his temple just down the street from here.

The Atlanteans were invoking his name and making sacrifices. Not that they needed to. Misos would have been with them regardless.

Unseen by their people, her great-grandfather arched his brow at her approach. "What news do you have?"

"The Greek prince is wounded in his left side, three ribs down. He will barely be able to hold his hoplon with that arm."

"Good work. We will see him dead on the morrow, and send his putrid Greeks home with their tails tucked between their legs."

May 24, 9531 BC

It was just after midnight and, as usual, Styxx couldn't sleep. As a boy, the voices in his head had kept him from rest. Now it was his conscience and recent memories that beat him so brutally. He hated everything war forced him to do to protect his men and his people.


He cradled his aching head in his hands, wishing he were with his Bethany. The thought of her sweet touch and scent brought a rare smile to his lips as he wondered how she fared. If she'd found the letter he'd had delivered to their meeting spot. And if she was being cradled by Morpheus in her dreams tonight.


He opened his eyes to see Galen entering his tent. "Yes?"

"I just received word that the Thracians are angry, but complying for now."

Styxx sighed heavily. "Tell me the truth. What rankles them most, Master Galen? The fact they can't rape any woman they find, or the fact that a child calls their orders?"

Galen snorted. "I see no child in our veteran ranks."

Styxx saluted him sarcastically with his kylix. "Both of us know I have no business leading men into battle. The Thracians were right today. I don't have enough experience for this."

Scoffing, Galen sat down in the chair beside Styxx, and retook the wine he'd been drinking earlier. "No other commander could have gotten us this far with as few casualties as we've had. Look at your history, my lord. Name me the only man who has ever made it to Atlantean soil with an invading army from any foreign land?" Galen paused. "There's only one. Styxx of the House of Aricles. Prince of Didymos."