
He downed six of their soldiers before his reinforcements arrived to stand with him against the rest of the angry Thracians. His men quickly subdued them, and drove them back.

Styxx grabbed the one who had stood beside the first man he'd killed. "Send word to your Thracians that we are not here to rape wives, sisters, and daughters. Our fight is with the Atlantean queen, her soldiers, and their gods, not their women or children. Any Greek who defies my orders will be castrated and offered as a sacrifice to the Atlantean god Dikastis for their crimes against his people."

"Do you think they'd be so kind to our women?"

Styxx shoved him away. "That is why we're on Atlantean soil, fighting them before they reach our homelands. We're here to protect our families from Atlantean slavery, and I will not shame our innocents by slaughtering and debasing theirs. Now go and warn your men."

The prince returned to Bethany and the small hut where the girl had been hiding with her mother and sisters.

To her complete stupefaction, the prince retrieved a fallen doll just outside the hut then came to kneel in the doorway, on the ground by the girl's little sister who was probably no older than ten.

He held the doll out to her as she clung to her mother's skirt. "It's all right, little one," he said again in flawless Atlantean. "We are not here to harm you or your family. You have my word."

She looked up at her mother for confirmation.

Her eyes wide, the mother snatched the doll from his hand then stepped back to protect her daughters.

Styxx bowed to them before he stood. "Tell your villagers to gather together here in the square and I will personally see all of you taken to your city walls to be protected. If anyone is unable to walk or travel, let us know and we will carry them."

She eyed him suspiciously. "Is this a Greek trick?"

"I swear on my life that it's not. Please, good mother, for the sakes of your daughters, hurry. I don't know how long my army can hold the other Greeks back should they choose to fight my orders. We must get you to safety."

He went to relay his intentions to his own men who acted as if the orders were typical and expected from him. It wasn't until he stumbled and caught himself against his horse that Bethany realized he was badly wounded. Blood trickled down his left leg.

Yet he let no one know it as he quickly wiped it away and mounted.

True to his word, he helped round up her people and escort them to safety. Never in her life had she seen anything like this. A Greek who killed his own men to protect his enemy's women and children ...

It was unheard of, especially from a prince who'd shown no mercy to his enemies over the last few months as he fought them. The one thing everyone knew about Styxx was that he'd been ruthless on the battlefield. His army alone, remained undefeated by the Atlanteans. Utilizing new tactics that were radically different from the rest of the Greek forces, Styxx had waged a malicious and successful campaign against her people.

And while he was showing mercy to the people right now, she knew once they were gone he'd order the abandoned homes searched for supplies and then burned to the ground. It was another thing he was known for.

Even more curious about him than before, she paused by the side of his horse. Still in the guise of the girl he'd saved, she looked up to watch the prince as he oversaw the removal of her people.

He held himself with the same rigid arrogant stance that had irritated her the first time she'd seen him in Halicarnassus.

Or was it arrogance? Now that she was closer, she saw the torment and pain inside those blue eyes. The wary resignation and exhaustion that made him seem much older. And more vulnerable.


His emotions evaporated into an expression of stoicism as he looked down at her. "Yes?"

She placed her hand to his black and bronze greave and noted where exactly in his side he was wounded. "Thank you for your aid."

He inclined his head respectfully to her.

Boldly, she lifted her hand to brush the hard calf muscle that bulged between the laces of his greave. "For your kindness, I'd like to offer you my services."

He nudged his horse away from her. "While I appreciate your offer and am truly flattered, I must decline."

Confused, she started away.

"Elea?" he called out.

Amazed that he remembered the girl's name from when her mother had used it almost an hour ago, she paused to look back at him. "Highness?"

"Don't let anyone, especially yourself, barter your body for any purpose. The temporary and immediate benefits are not worth the eternal cost to your soul." Leaning forward, he gently tossed an expensive brooch at her.