
Poor Galen. Yesterday, he led the strongest army in all of Greece. Now he's stuck changing the pana for Xerxes's infant.

One of the bastards had even flicked at his ear. "Just as I thought ... you can still see the placenta on him!"

Holding his head high in spite of his rising panic, Styxx walked down the center past the bastards who'd belittled him until he reached the king's throne. He fell to one knee and saluted him. "Majesty."

"Rise, Prince Styxx."

He returned to his feet. Assuming a soldier's stance, he folded his hands behind his back and waited for the king's leisure. Please tell me you didn't see Xan grab my cock before I killed the bastard ...

Or was it something even worse than that?

"I have been told by my spotters and generals that we owe this day's victory to your sword arm and to the inspiration your courage provided to all who saw you fighting without flagging."


Nonplused and even more nervous than before, Styxx glanced around at the men who were gathered in the tent. Men who had mocked and insulted him just hours before battle, never mind their harshness the day before when they'd openly spat at and on him.

And not to wish him luck.

Their current thoughts overwhelmed him to the point he couldn't pick out any single one. Several averted their eyes, unwilling to meet his gaze even in passing. "It was a battle won by all, Majesty. I fought no harder than anyone else."

The king stepped down from his throne and approached him. "Yes, but you're the one who single-handedly brought down the two highest commanders and greatest heroes of the Atlantean army. You're the sole reason they retreated."

Even more confused, Styxx lowered his gaze, waiting to hear how he'd screwed something up and embarrassed them all.

Kreon stopped in front of him with a stern frown. "Your father is counted among the most arrogant and bullish men I know. When I first learned that you would be leading your father's army in today's battle, I had a few choice things to say about it and none of them were complimentary to either of you. Honestly, I thought your father was mocking me, as is his wont. But it seems the gods have sought to humble my own arrogance. And I cannot tell you how grateful I am that you and Didymos came to our aid this day, young prince. I will be sending you home with gifts for both you and your father. Now come. I offer you my own private bath and the services of my most favored slave girl."

For a full minute, Styxx was so stunned he couldn't respond. Finally, he found his voice. "Thank you, Majesty. I am truly humbled by your generosity, and while I am more than happy to partake of your bath, I most respectfully decline your slave. While I'm sure she's all you say and more, I have a lady who waits for me in Didymos and I would never do anything to dishonor her faith in me ... I hope you understand."

The king smiled and nodded. "I envy your father the heir he has raised. And it is an honor to know you, Prince Styxx. Now enjoy your victory this evening and the festivities to come."

* * *

Bethany hungered for blood as they were forced to withdraw from the Greek island. She still wanted the throat of Prince Styxx, but she couldn't be in another pantheon's territory with her goddess powers. Not unless they were fighting.

Damn it!

"How could we be defeated?" Misos snarled. "We've never been defeated!"

Pali shrugged in disgust. "Did you see the Greek champion? Styxx of Didymos? Has anyone heard of this bastard before?"

"He was young," Bethany said. "I saw him right before the battle began. And I almost had him ... Ugh!" It pained her that she'd missed.


Bloody Greek dog!

Misos threw his shield down. "Is he a demigod? Or Chthonian?"

Bethany shook her head. "He was human with standard human equipment. How could he tear down our brethren? They have psychic powers ... they should have cut through the Greeks like vegetables in a garden."

Diafonia raked her hands through her dark hair. "How did he fight like an immortal?"

"Maybe he was trained by one?" Pali suggested.

Bethany ground her teeth. "Athena fought beside him."

Misos scoffed. "That hasn't stopped us in the past."