
His ears buzzed so that he couldn't hear anything other than his heart pounding in his chest.

Laughing, the giant stabbed straight at his chest. Instead of trying to deflect the blow, Styxx lifted his arm and allowed the sword to pass between his elbow and side. He clamped his arm down on the soldier's forearm to hold the giant in place and dropped his own xiphos to the ground. With one swift move, Styxx yanked his kopis from his waist and drove it into the giant's side, between the laces of his bronze cuirass.

With a ferocious hiss, the giant stumbled, bringing his head within Styxx's striking range. Before the beast could shove him back, Styxx drove the kopis into his neck.

The giant fell like an oak, dragging Styxx with him. For several seconds, no one moved. Not until Styxx caught his breath and rolled from the giant's body.

A loud, fierce cheer went up among the Greek troops. Gaping and confused, the Atlanteans remained frozen.

Still shaken by the closeness of that fight, Styxx retrieved his xiphos and hoplon, and waited for his next attacker. But no one seemed eager to take him on now. Rather, the Atlanteans shrank away as if terrified of him.

All of a sudden, voices rang out. "The Atlanteans are retreating!"

Stunned, Styxx looked up as the cry rushed through their ranks, and the Greek charioteers and cavalry rushed past the hoplites and archers to give chase. The Atlantean troops were running for their ships and pulling back. He couldn't believe it. To his knowledge, no Atlantean army had ever withdrawn from battle.

He started to run after them, but he was too tired and sore to try. Really, all he wanted was to sleep for a month or more.

Galen laughed as he joined him and clapped him on the back so hard, Styxx stumbled from the blow. "You survived, boy. And in one piece, no less. Good for you! Good. For. You."

"Um ... thanks. Way to boost my confidence, old man." Styxx snorted at Galen then grimaced at how bad his head hurt. The gods' voices had been merciless during the battle and one in particular had been after him.

"Galen? Have you ever heard of Bet'anya Agriosa?"

"The Atlantean goddess of misery and wrath? Oh yeah, young prince. She's not one you want to invoke for anything. Once she's set on a course, she's relentless. Why?"

"I heard her name mentioned by some of the soldiers and was curious."

"Take the advice of an old war dog, son. Don't even say her name in passing."

Nodding, Styxx headed toward their portion of the encampment and did his best to ignore the horrendous sights, sounds and smells around him. In all directions, men were dead or dying. Their cries and moans were even worse than the voices in his head. The ground was saturated with blood and other things he didn't want to contemplate.

For that matter, there was so much blood on him that it literally dripped from every part of his armor and even his nose. Though that might have been his. He honestly couldn't tell.

As he crossed the field on foot, he realized that not all the loud voices he heard were in his throbbing head. The men around them were chanting his name.

Shocked to the core of his soul, he slowed down in apprehension. Why are they calling me like that?

Had he done something wrong?

From his left, a messenger came running up to him. He bowed low. "Prince Styxx? His Majesty, King Kreon, wants to see you immediately ... without hesitation."

But he was filthy. Covered in blood, sweat, and dirt.

His father would have him or any soldier whipped if he dared appear like this in his presence.

He glanced to Galen, who winked at him then took his shield, swords, and helm. "You've been summoned, my lord. Obviously, the king needs to see you right away."

Unsure of what to expect and extremely apprehensive, Styxx wiped his face and arms as best he could on his chlamys while he followed the messenger to the largest encampment where King Kreon of Halicarnassus waited inside his lush tent that was packed with noblemen and the elite commanders of each unit and city-state.

Wonderful. A full audience for whatever new humiliation awaited him. Shit ... Over and over, he heard their insults from their previous meeting in his head again.

Xerxes sends his brat for us to watch when we have a battle to fight? What's he thinking?

Where's your nurse and tit, boy?

Should we burp him after he drinks his wine?

Wine? You mean milk. Those honeyed cheeks are too smooth for anything stronger.