
He felt odd and self-conscious with the small round drum as he waited for her to criticize his efforts. As a boy, he'd tried to play a flute, lyre, and drum, and had seen each burned in turn by his father, sister, or mother, who quickly told him he was inept and stupid for even attempting that which the gods had given him absolutely no talent for.

But Bethany didn't say a word. She merely smiled and kissed him then rose to her feet.

"Don't stop," she said when he slowed his pace.

Styxx returned to what she'd taught him. Frowning, he watched as she pulled finger cymbals from her basket and slid them onto her hand. Next, she pulled out a sistrum. Before he could ask what she intended, she loosened the ribbon at her neck and dropped her outer garment to the ground.

His throat suddenly dry, Styxx froze at the sight of her in a very sheer white outfit the likes of which he'd never seen. The small top was heavily beaded with pearls and shiny silver disks. It cupped her full breasts and lifted them high, and left the swell of them exposed for his hungry gaze. The top stopped just below her breasts and left her abdomen completely bare. Not that it mattered. The material was so sheer that he could easily see the full outline of her breasts and puckered nipples that made him hunger for a quick taste. Three rows of pearls fell from the middle of the top to brush against the perfection of her belly where she'd painted Egyptian symbols for the goddess Hathor.

Silver armbands encircled her biceps. Two rows of tiny bells secured to them and the hem of her skirt were what made the jingling sound he'd heard on his arrival. She wore additional bells as anklets.

Her wide, full skirt had slits at each side that went all the way up to the thick beaded silver belt that had numerous white veils fastened to it. Like the top, it was sheer enough that he could see the full outline of her body and the dark hair at the juncture of her thighs.

"You stopped playing, my lord."

He wanted to say something witty in response, but his brain seemed to have stopped completely. His jaw worked, yet no sound came out as her beauty left him completely senseless. Thank the gods she couldn't see what an idiot he was. Otherwise, she'd be running as far from him as she could. He wasn't all that sure he hadn't drooled on himself.

"Hector? Are you still with me?"

"I'm here, my lady. Just completely overwhelmed by the magnitude of your grace. Your beauty has rendered me quite useless for the moment."

She smiled at him. "Keep playing, my love. I have a treat for you."

"I can't imagine anything sweeter than what I'm already savoring."

"Keep playing."

He wasn't sure how he managed it, but he obeyed. And as he did so, she began what had to be the most erotic dance he'd ever seen in his life. With every graceful move of her arm or swaying of her hips, her bells, cymbals, and sistrum rang and his body sizzled. He'd never seen anything like it. If this was how the Egyptians trained their daughters, he wondered how any of them managed to leave their bedchambers. No wonder they had such large families....

As she danced, she freed her veils. Her hips and shoulders moving in perfect synchronicity, she sank down by his side and continued to undulate in time to the music they made. He was completely captivated.

Until she tied one end of her scarf to his wrist and lightly tugged on it.

Reacting on pure instinct, Styxx shot to his feet, leaving the drum to roll away. He tore the frail scarf off him until it was shredded.

Bethany froze as she heard Hector's ragged breathing and felt his panicked anger. "Hector?" It took her a moment to find him. He was pacing near a tree and shaking uncontrollably. "Are you all right?"

He didn't speak. He walked about in a feral panic as if waiting to be attacked.

"Hector? Precious ... Speak to me. Tell me what's happening?"

Styxx tried to calm down, he did. But it was so hard as horrifying memories assailed him. "I don't like to be tied to anything. Honestly, I don't even like to have walls or doors around me." He laughed bitterly. "I even keep a window open on the coldest nights just so that I know I have a way out should I need it."

Bethany felt the tears prick her eyes as she realized the true terror of his past. They would have tied him down to torture him, and probably when they raped him, too. "I'm so sorry, Hector. I didn't think."

He pulled her against him and held her close. "Don't apologize, Beth. You went to a lot of effort for me ... to make this day special, and I ruined it. I'm the one who's sorry."

She sank her hand into his soft hair and pressed her cheek against his. "Never apologize to me for your pain. What was done to you was wrong and it wasn't your fault. You have the most amazing heart of anyone I've ever met. In spite of what the world has done to you, you still carry on with quiet dignity and humor. It's what I love about you. You are a true warrior, brave to the core of your soul."

Styxx swallowed the lump of pain in his throat that choked him. Funny, he didn't feel brave. He felt more like a frightened mouse, cowering in the corner. He would never understand how a woman as wonderful as Bethany could stand to be with him.

His hand trembling, he picked the torn veil up from the ground and returned it to her. He would buy her a new one the next time he was at the market. "I will try not to overreact."

She squeezed his fingers. "I respect your pain, my lord. I won't do it again. I promise. There are plenty of other things we can do."

He arched a brow at that. "Such as?"

She loosened her belt and sent her skirt straight to her feet. Completely bare from the waist down, she smiled as she knelt in front of him and lifted the hem of his chiton until he was as exposed to her as she was to him. To his complete shock and utter pleasure, she slowly drew him into her mouth.