
Styxx glared at him with the same hatred Acheron had for him. And you better while you're still able.

Ryssa shook her head. "You need clothes and money."

Their father curled his lip. "He deserves nothing. Nothing but our scorn."

Acheron's battered face was completely stoic. "Then I am rich indeed from the abundance of that which you've shown me." In all his naked glory, he sauntered to the door then paused to smirk one last time. "You know, it took me a long time to realize why you hate me so much, Majesty." Acheron locked gazes with Styxx. "But then it's not me you really hate, is it? What you truly hate is how badly you want to fuck your own son."

Their father bellowed in anger as the brutality of his words tore across Styxx's heart. In that moment, Styxx knew the full depth of his uncle's depravity. He had driven a permanent wedge between him and Acheron.

One that nothing would heal after this. Styxx would never forget this slap in the face.

And neither would Acheron.

With his head held high, Acheron left the room.

Ryssa raked them both with the full weight of her condemnation. "How could you? I told you what Estes was doing with him and you denied it. How can you blame him for this?"

Their father shook his head. "Estes didn't do this. Acheron did it himself. Estes told me the way he parades himself and flaunts his body. The way he tempts everyone. He's a destroyer just as they said at his birth. He will not rest until he ruins every person he's around."

"He's just a confused boy, Father. He needs a family."

Her words cut straight through Styxx. And what am I, dear sister? She was every bit as blind and self-absorbed as their father. How could she see Acheron so clearly and him not at all?

But then given the harsh brutality of his brother's parting comments, he knew his brother was as far from innocent in thought as he was in action.

In that one moment, Styxx hated all of them. His father. His mother. Ryssa and Acheron.

But most of all, he hated himself.

September 27, 9532 BC

"You repulse me, Styxx! What kind of man, and I use that term loosely, could just sit here and let his own twin brother be cast into the world alone? Without coin or clothing? Acheron's not the monster, you are! I wish you'd been the one Uncle sold. It should have been you all these years who was forced to be a whore handed over to anyone with enough coin! But no, you sit here in selfish comfort while your brother is cast adrift and say nothing! Nothing! I hate you, Styxx. I hope one day you suffer for all you've done!"

Styxx ignored Ryssa's shrill tone as she railed against him and called down the wrath of every god on Olympus to punish him. She'd been doing it steadily since she returned from seeing Acheron off.

Even without her insults, his own emotions were in turmoil. There was no longer any doubt how his father would react should he ever learn that his heir had been whored, too.

He's a repulsive catamite. He knew Estes's preference and he used it to his advantage. Think you, I don't know how that sick monster's mind works? None of this was Estes's fault. He was victimized by Acheron. I'll bet the bastard crawled into his bed and begged him for it.

Like Ryssa was doing right now against Styxx, their father had ranted throughout the night against Acheron. Styxx had no peace from either of them. And neither had a clue that every time they spoke, a part of him died more.

Really, he just wanted to run away from it all.

But one look at the strangers who eyed him hungrily until they learned of his regal title kept him close to his father's side. And while he knew Acheron was hungry, he knew his brother wasn't being molested or beaten.

At least not yet.

Why couldn't you have gone away with me when I tried to free you, Acheron?

Just once?

But then he wouldn't have met his Bethany and ...

"Shit!" Styxx cursed as Ryssa kicked him hard in the shin.

"You're not even listening to me, are you, you little pig!"

"I hear every precious word that falls from your dainty lips, sweet sister."