
Estes leaned back against the door with a taunting grin. "Should we call for your father?"

His breathing labored, Styxx glared at him. "Why did you sell me to Didymosians?"

That knocked some of the cockiness out of the bastard. "What?"

"Contrary to what you told me, I heard them talking. Two of my father's senators. How many more of our citizens know what you've done to me?"

That evil, lewd light returned to his uncle's eyes. "I don't really think you want that answered. For the sake of your mind. But don't worry. They won't tell your father. He'd kill them for it." Estes jerked him into his arms. "Now give me a proper welcome, nephew." He moved to kiss him.

Styxx shoved him away. "Get off me." He tried to run to his bedroom, but Estes tripped him, knocking him to the ground.

Before he could regain his feet, Estes had him pinned with his arm twisted painfully against his spine and his wrist between his shoulders. "Shh, little squirrel." He bit Styxx's earlobe then breathed into his ear. "While I adore your brother, there are some things that you do excel at over him." He shoved something into Styxx's mouth and held his jaw shut. "Swallow."

Styxx did his best to spit it out, but it was useless. Against his will, Estes forced it down his throat.

Laughing, Estes kissed his neck. "That's it, my little stallion. We're going to have a lot of fun in the coming weeks while we wait for your father's return. But don't worry. I shall be kind and you won't remember any of it."

The room began to spin out of control.

Styxx closed his eyes as he thought about Bethany. If he didn't show up for weeks would she still be there for him?

Or would his lengthy absence make her hate him, too?

September 17, 9532 BC

Styxx felt a single tear slide from the corner of his eye as his uncle finished with him and "dismounted." As their latest twisted game, they'd tied him facedown on a table with his arms spread and his ankles secured to the table legs. But the worst was the mock bridle Estes used to gag him with. A bridle they'd utilized while "riding" him.

Laughing and congratulating him on his "skills," his uncle's friends applauded Estes and handed him a kylix of wine. Estes took a drink then grabbed a handful of olives before he returned to kneel down beside the table so that he met Styxx's shame-filled gaze.

He tsked. "Sorry, little Phallas. I hadn't realized you were lucid, and here I'd promised you I wouldn't do that to you, didn't I?" He brushed the hair back from Styxx's face.

Bellowing in rage and horror, Styxx tried to break free. He wanted his uncle's throat so badly, he could taste it.

Estes laughed then stepped back.

Before Styxx could stop it, his gaze swept the room to see that there were more than just six men in it. He slammed his eyes shut as complete humiliation racked him. He was the center entertainment for a party of Didymosian noblemen....

Damn you, Estes!

And damn me.

Estes pressed Styxx's head against the table then kissed his brow. "Shh, squirrel. Calm down before you hurt yourself." He opened the small chest that was near Styxx's head and rummaged through it. "This should make you quiet and compliant again."

Styxx winced. He was so tired of being drugged, especially against his will.

Estes moved out of his line of sight so that he could insert the drug in the rudest manner possible while the others bid for the next ride on him. As his uncle held it inside him to make sure it took effect, Xan stepped forward to speak alone with Estes. "I heard the princess returns next week."

"She does, indeed."

"How much for a night with her?"

Estes tsked. "I can't do that. She has to go to the marriage bed pure. Or else my brother would have both our lives."

"A woman has more than one hole in her body. Put a chastity belt on her and name your price. I want her, Estes."

"It will be as dear and costly as my sweet niece is."

"I knew it would be. You'll do it?"