
Styxx glared at his father. "Why didn't you tell me about this?"

"I only found out two days ago and didn't want to worry you." Against his will, Styxx glanced to his uncle. The lascivious light in Estes's eyes nauseated him. "I'll be more than happy to stay as long as you need me to, brother."

Of course you would, you sick bastard.

As his father led them inside, Styxx hung back, his head reeling with panic. Why had he not gone to the summer palace with Ryssa and his mother last week?

Because they hated him and would have made his trip and stay with them miserable. Not to mention, he wouldn't have been able to see Bethany until his return.

But this ...

He felt suddenly queasy. His stomach cramped in dread. No one would be here to keep Estes from him. No one.

Day or night ...

His heart pounding, he waited until his father was alone to speak to him.


Sighing, he turned to Styxx with high agitation showing on his face. "What?"

"May I please go with you to Thessaly?"

His father scowled. "Are you insane? Didymos needs someone in the capital to make decisions, especially now that war's looming."

"Estes is here. He can do it without me. Please, Father."

Still his father glared at him. "He's not the heir. You are. We're on the brink of war. Our people need to know they have strong leadership should I have to be away for any reason."

Styxx couldn't breathe as true fear gripped him. He couldn't stay here with Estes. Alone ...

"Please, Father."

"What is wrong with you?"

Estes's threats rang in his head and he had no doubt his uncle would carry out any and all of them. He wouldn't hesitate to drag Styxx off to Atlantis and use him for his perverted games and personal profit.

Styxx couldn't breathe a word of his fears to his father. If he did ...

Somehow, like Ryssa, his father would blame him for causing it. He'd be thrown out like Acheron and then forced to whore for a living.

I have no one....

With no choice, he backed down. "Nothing, Majesty."

"Then leave me in peace to make preparations."

Styxx bowed then headed to his room, intending to bolt himself inside until his father returned.

He fastened the door and turned around only to realize he wasn't alone. Shit.

Estes was seated in his receiving room. "Greetings, fair nephew."

"What are you doing here?"

Estes dropped his hungry gaze to Styxx's groin. "I'm sure you know what I want."

Styxx started for the door, but Estes cut him off faster than he'd have thought a man could move.